Monday, June 13, 2011

Movie Night!

Friday night was movie night!  Daddy, Mommy and Waverly went with our friends, Shannon, Denise and Baby Emery to the drive-in. 

Waverly hasn't been since last summer, but she was so good!  She loved it!

We got to the drive-in early so we could have dinner and chat awhile.  Waverly really enjoyed eating "fry-fries", also known as french fries, and she didn't mind that she had ketchup everywhere!  She also had lots of treats...

like M&M's and Pepsi! (Only a tiny drop!)
After we played awhile and visited with the McElroy's, Waverly got changed into jammies and settled down waiting for the movie to start.  We were excited to watch Kung Fu Panda 2, but ended up playing and talking through the whole show!

Waverly's little couch made the perfect seat for her to watch the movie!  It wasn't long after her normal bed time that she crawled into Mommy's arms and snuggled down!  She slept through the movie and the next one, too! 

Mommy and Denise had the best time chit-chatting about being Mommies and forgot to watch any of the movies.  The Dad's had fun, too!  We can't wait until next time, when Waverly's friend Annie can come too! 

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