Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seventeen & Smiley

Waverly is 17 months old! 

She is full of spirit, such a charmer and just a great kiddo!
To celebrate this milestone, Mommy bought her a few treats!  The first thing she noticed were the new shoes poking out of the gift bag.  She loves her shoes!

Shoes are Waverly's favorite thing right now!  She loves to put them on, take them off and try on someone else's!  She loves to call everything around her shoes and show everyone she meets the sign for shoes.  She liked her new shoes so much, she had to model them for awhile!

Signing is going very well!  Waverly knows all the signs from her Baby Signing Time movies.  Her favorites are shoes and cars, of course!

Waverly's vocabulary has increased over the past month as well!  I keep a running tally of the words she can say accurately and she is up to approximately 75 words!  Not too shabby for 17 months!  Her newest words are helicopter and apple pie.  But my favorite... She has learned to call herself "Wavey".  If you ask her where Waverly is, she points to herself and shouts, "I Wavey!"

In addition to new shoes, Waverly was treated to a brand new box of crayons (since Crissy dog chewed up most of the last box!) and a new puzzle!  We are trying to teach her numbers, so this counting puzzle will come in handy. 
Waverly is really developing her personality.  She likes to play shy around anyone she hasn't seen in awhile, but then she warms up!  She makes everyone laugh by running really fast and then walking, ahem, marching with her belly poked out to go really slow. 

Waverly is usually fairly quiet, but give her a telephone, known as her "hello" and she will shout so you can hear her!  Everything is a "hello" now!  She has a whole conversation, all at the screech decimal...
"Hello?  How you?  Bye!"

Waverly stays busy, learning new things every day, playing all the time and just bring joy to our lives.  She loves visiting her friends and family and she's the perfect cuddler at night night.  Its hard to believe she's already 17 months old!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh My Applesauce!

Tuesdays are always great days at the Lickliter house!  It means that Monday is behind us and that Mamaw Gail is coming to visit!  My mom always visits once a week, usually on Tuesday nights.  Its such a treat! 

We've been learning to cook different meals and just enjoy spending some time together.  This week, we made homemade chicken salad for sandwiches.  Waverly helped awhile, but then decided she'd rather find a seat.... in my cabinets!

Not to worry, she had company in her new hiding spot.  She always has a baby doll with her!  She thought it was so funny to show Mamaw Gail that she could sit in the cabinet!

Later, Mommy and Waverly had dinner at our family table.  Waverly is doing so well at feeding herself.  I usually let her have a good go at it and then help when necessary.  Tonight, she ate a whole container of apple sauce all by herself!

Late last night, Daddy came home and Waverly was so happy to see him!  We had folded the laundry earlier and she wanted to show Daddy another new trick... climbing in the basket all by herself!  Oh so proud!
She can be so funny sometimes!  Now we have to encourage her to vacate the laundry basket for bed time! 
But it sure is fun to be a kid!

By the way, thanks to all for continuing to vote for us on Top Baby Blogs!  We're sittin' pretty at #205 but would love to move on up!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Sweet Potato Pie

Yam it up, baby!

Baby Bean is as big as a sweet potato!

Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to me, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that I'll soon be able to feel all those movements instead of the little flutters I get now.  But each flutter is something sweet!

18 weeks (and 1 day!)

Mom is feeling good this week, if just a bit sore.  All those hormones are busy stretching ligaments and loosening joints.  All normal and not the most fun, but so worth it in the end!  Mom wants an ice coffee and a back rub!  Get to it! 

Waverly wanted her picture made too!

*Information courtesy of

Sweet Treats!

For dessert on Sunday night, Mommy and Waverly made Oreo Dirt Cake for everyone!

Waverly was a big helper!

Waverly is thoroughly enjoying her new booster seat.  We have had dinner a few times now as a whole little family at our new table.  Its been wonderful!  (Thanks, Aunt Re, for giving us your table!)

Waverly's first job, as the official kitchen helper, was to smash all the oreos!  This was much fun, since she normally isn't allowed to play with Mommy's rolling pin!  (You can imagine why not!)  Of course, it wasn't long before Waverly developed her own way to smash up cookies...

She thought this was much more efficient!

Her next task?  Taste Tester!

This job was also well recieved...  She enjoyed a few bites of the whipped cream and cookies before it was all whisked away to chill out until time for dessert!

Later, Waverly was being so sweet to her baby doll.  She climbed up in her bed and was watching Baby Signing Time with her baby.  She wrapped her up and cuddled with her, and then gave her kisses!  It was the sweetest!

How nice for the weekend to end on such a sweet note? 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Date Night - Kid Included!

Is it really date night if you bring your toddler?  The Lickliters' say so!

Friday night, Daddy, Mommy and Waverly went to dinner at O'Charley's.  It was a great family night.  We hadn't been to O'Charley's in quite some time, so it was a real treat!

Waverly checked out her menu and told us right away what she wanted, "fry-fries" of course!
Waverly was well-behaved during dinner, if a bit louder than usual.  She really enjoyed chatting with the table of older folks next to us.  They enjoyed her company as well!

All satisfied after her dinner!

It was nice for Mommy and Daddy to have a little chat.  We enjoyed watching Waverly show off a bit and were still able to have a nice dinner and catch up on our week too!

 Miss Hollywood, with her Daddy!

That's all, folks!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cruisin' Along!

For Waverly, this week has been filled with playing next door at the grandparents.  She has been riding around in her car and in the swimming pool every day!

Waverly thought it was hilarious when Daddy showed her how to pop a wheelie! 

We're all looking forward to the weekend, which promises more swim time, visits and good food! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Swim Little Fishies!

Waverly loves to swim in the big pool! 
She even learned how to say swimming pool, which has to be the cutest phrase yet!  She had a blast in her float and playing in the pool with her Daddy.

The water was just a tad on the cool side, since the pool was just assembled and filled up!  Waverly would giggle and gasp when the water would rise on her belly!

That didn't stop her, though!  She liked leaning forward in her float to "swim"!  She's also a really good kicker, catching on to that idea immediately!

 She really enjoying "swimming" around while Daddy held onto her!  I predict lots of pool time this summer!

Monday, July 18, 2011

"Onions have layers..."

Baby is now the size of an onion!  Almost 6 ounces and growing!

Week 17... it seems like a long time to go!  Mom is doing well this week, with no changes to report.  Baby Bean is growing strong bones and getting fat this week!  Also, those important finger prints are developing. 

Mom is still waiting for more kicks and rolls from the baby.  More time on the porch swing is needed, I think!  Just a few more weeks to wait and hopefully, we'll find out the gender of this kiddo!  We can't wait!

We're back on the Monday Mingle over at Tough Cookie Mommy.  Happy Monday, all!

Family Night

Sunday night, the Lickliters (well, most of us!) went out for dinner!
After working on the swimming pool most of the day, everyone was hot and tired!  We decided pizza was the best solution!

Little Miss Hollywood enjoyed her spaghetti and then it was time to play!
Papaw showed her the game room, where he won a stuffed animal just for Waverly!
 Two sweet girls were also playing games.  They gave Waverly a pink teddy bear, which immediately hugged as well!
The pizza was good, the games were fun and despite the rain, we had a great evening! Too bad the weekend is almost over!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baby Braxtin

Mommy's friend, Ashley, is expecting a baby boy! Braxtin is due in just a few short weeks, so it was time for Ashley's baby shower!

Waverly truly enjoyed herself, warming to Ashley's family quickly and taking down all the decorations! She played balloons with the other little ones. Then she wanted to make sure Ashley saw all her presents and cards!

Waverly has loved balloons ever since her first birthday party. She just couldn't get enough playing with balloons!

The party games were fun, which is always a challenge at baby showers. They had a race between two people to see who could dress a baby doll the quickest and a guessing game that concealed common baby items.
Waverly had a snack and then it was time for more playing!

Since it was time for Waverly to take a nap, we skipped out on the party a bit early. Here is a snap shot of the beautiful cake, though!

Congratulations to Ashley, Ryan and big brother Jon! We can't wait to meet Braxtin!

What a day!

Saturday was a full day of pampering, for both Mommy and Waverly!

Mamaw Jean and I both had hair appointments.  After a color and cut, this is the new me...

Waverly thought it was her lucky day, too!  She spent the whole afternoon with Papaw.  They had so much fun!  They played on the swing set and on the tractor.  Then Papaw had to push Waverly around in her cozy car and jump on the trampeline! 

When I arrived to take Waverly home, she was all undressed and covered in cheese doodle dust!  The evidence of a day well spent!  I am so glad that they had a great day!

That evening, Mamaw Jean and I took Waverly to visit Aunt Re.  Waverly just had to show off all her flips and turns.  She is trying to do somersaults ever since her daddy taught her how!

 Not sure what this move is, but I can't wait to sign her up for dance!
 Waverly had to have some snuggles with Mamaw, too!  She loves to run around asking people for "hugs".  Its adorable, if I do say so myself!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Riding Along in my Automobile...

Waverly loves her new car! 
She is all about climbing in, shutting the door and then using her Flinstone-power to motor around the house!

 When she tuckers out, she has Papaw place the floorboard in and push her.  Papaw reported that they traveled 400 miles around the house over this past weekend!

Later Friday night, it was off for dinner and a movie at the drive-in.  We joined the masses to watch the last part of the Harry Potter series.  Even Waverly is a big fan... Harry Potter was one of the first books Mommy read to her as an infant! 

Waverly was all set for go, with her juice and her toys and a great spot on the couch! 

We like to get to the drive-in early enough to find a good parking place and then have dinner.  Waverly had a ball playing and watching other little kids carry on! 
 She is such a character!
 Before the movie began, it did start to sprinkle on us a bit.  Not that we are ones to be rained out!  We loaded the truck and settled down for a good show anyway!  Waverly had a blast "driving" Daddy's truck!

 It wasn't long after the movie began that Waverly drifted off to sleep.  We all just love going to the movies!