Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The 7th Inning Stretch

Waverly is now 7 months old!

At 7 months, Waverly is reaching new milestones and loving every minute of it. She has her first tooth all the way in, can sit up by herself well and can army crawl all over the place! She will get up on her knees and rock back and forth, so it wont be long before she takes off and realizes that she can get around faster that way. Over this past weekend, Waverly pulled herself up to a standing position. She surprised Mommy and Daddy, and even herself!

Waverly enjoyed a special treat of having her dinner while in her exersaucer instead of her high chair. She is still on stage 1 fruits and veggies, but has tried almost everything! She only has peaches and prunes left to go. Her favorites are squash and carrots, but unless she is teething, she will eat her peas and green beans now too.

Drinking from a cup!
Each night, Waverly gets to drink some water from a big girl cup! She thinks this is grand, giving me the 1,000 watt smile when she sees me with her cup. She has also tried a little bit of apple juice from her sippy cup. At first, she was surprised and wasn't sure if she liked it. Then she took a second sip and loved it!
My first pair of shoes!
Waverly needed a pair of shoes so that she can start going outside for a little bit each day while at daycare. So, off shopping we went! She now has two pairs of soft-soled shoes to keep those little tootsies warm when playing in her walker outside.
Waverly has grown so much lately. She is taller now and we've had to move the seat up on her walker and exersaucer. She is such a happy little thing. Her personality shines and she is simply delightful.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I never met a pumpkin I didn't like.

A picture with my Papaw!
This past weekend, our little town of Lawrenceburg held The Burgoo Festival. Late Saturday night, Mommy, Daddy and Waverly met Papaw and Mamaw there for dinner. We did not have burgoo - a type of stew - but did have a great ribeye sandwich! Waverly was sleepy, since it was past her bedtime! She was such a good girl though, checking out all of the people and flashing lights (mostly from toys!). Papaw even bought her a flashing pacifier!

On Sunday, Mommy and Waverly went back to the Burgoo Festival to have her picture made! We had a great morning, with some 'Mommy and Me' time. In the afternoon, Waverly played with her Daddy and rolled around all over the place! Then, it was time for a little visit with Papaw, Mamaw and Aunt Re. We all had a great weekend!

The best pumpkin of all!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Wonderful World of Waverly

Waverly's little tooth is just barely showing. To see it, we have to make her laugh (an easy task!) and peek quickly! I can feel it on my finger though, and we can all hear it clink on her water cup and feel it scrape on her spoon.
My First 'Cookie'

Just a couple days after that first baby tooth came through, Waverly resumed eating her jar food. Her favorite veggies are squash and carrots, but she is coming around on green beans and sweet potatoes! She also loves fruit! She eats her bananas, apples and pears with ease now.

Waverly loves shopping with Mommy! She is all girl, wanting to reach out and pull things into the cart. She may be just a tad spoiled, almost always getting a small treat from the store. This time, Mamaw Gail bought her some new toys!

We have a good routine established at home. Waverly sleeps in while Mommy gets up and ready for the day, and then its her turn! I always sing to her, usually "Good Morning Beautiful", and rub her hair to wake her up. Then its hurry, hurry and scoot out the door! When we arrive at daycare, Waverly greets all the teachers with her best smile. She is very sweet in the mornings, welcoming love and attention! She has her breakfast and then a full day of fun.

Mommy just can't wait to pick her up in the afternoons!!! It seems like so long since I have last seen her! Really, 8.5 hours is just too long to go without a Waverly fix. I rush right over to daycare and scoop her up, smothering her in hugs and kisses. Ms. Sandra and the other teachers note what Waverly does throughout the day and Mommy gets to read about it. Last week, Waverly learned about sounds. She learned that a cow says "Mooo" and a cat says "Meow".

Waverly takes a little nap on the way home almost every day. Then its our special time playing and visiting until Daddy comes home for his turn! Waverly loves to crawl all over Daddy and play dinosaur with him, using her best roar ("Ra-Ra!") to scare him.

After dinner, its bath and bed time! Waverly is now taking a bath in the big girl tub! She looks so tiny in the big tub. She has the best time, splashing and kicking. Toys in the tub is new. She favors her rubber ducky and always keeps a good grip on it. Mommy gets her all clean with a teeny tiny poof! It's baby magic, for sure!

Bed time is usually very smooth. Waverly drinks her milk and cuddles with Mommy until its off to dreamland. I play with her hair while she is snuggling down, and she reciprocates by rubbing my arm and holding my hand. Its hard to lay her down when she looks so sweet and has that wonderful clean baby scent. Each day is very special when you can spend it with such a special someone!

Good Night, Sweetheart

Monday, September 20, 2010

My First Tooth

This past weekend, Waverly's first tooth came in! While we were out shopping with Aunt Connie, Waverly laughed and I caught a glimpse of a pearly white speck. She had been so good all day long, I had no idea a tooth was working its way up.

Which plug do I want today?
Modeling my new hat made by Mommy's friend, Kelly. Thanks!

Besides a runny nose, Waverly has had few teething symptoms. She did run just a touch of a fever and she now refuses to eat any baby food, preferring just her milk. When we try to feed her a bite of even her favorite food, squash or carrots, Waverly will close her lips up tight and shake her head "no, no, no". The doctor said as long as she is getting her milk that is good enough, and she'll eat better when she feels better!

Happy girl...

Many thanks to Ms. Sharon and her mother for the adorable car quilt!

Waverly is working hard at crawling. She is up on those knees, rocking back and forth.

Now I can no longer say that my favorite thing about my daughter is her huge toothless smile! I have to say that its the huge smile with one tiny tooth!

Crawling all over Daddy

My new tooth clinks on my water glass! You can hear it better than you can see it!

Floor play with Papaw. I think Waverly has his watch!

Resting after a full day of play!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Story

In August of 2002, Dean and I began seeing each other. We had liked each other all through high school, but neither of us knew the other one felt the same way. We began dating right after I graduated high school. I was about to begin classes at Georgetown College and Dean was working for his Dad's construction company. We were young and in love.

High School Sweethearts...

Not long after we had began dating, we finished Dean's house and moved in together. It was wonderful to be out on our own, in a lovely little house full of pride because we had made it a home. We love living in the country, with a great view and wonderful neighbors. Over the next few years, I attended college classes and Dean worked, finding a new job with the City of Frankfort. Time flies by when you are in love!

In 2005, Dean proposed! I remember it perfectly. I was on my way home from Georgetown when he called. He told me that he was at Kay Jewelers and I should stop by there. We had been talking about marriage some, so I had a good idea what this was all about! I rushed right over, thinking if I didn't hurry he might change his mind! When I got there, he had already chosen a ring, a beautiful pear-shaped solitaire. It was then that he whispered, "Will ya marry me?" I answered with a breathless "yes" and a hug. We sealed the deal with a kiss!

On September 16, 2006, we were married!

It was a perfect day. Our wedding was held at Lover's Leap Vineyard and Winery. The weather was perfect; sun shining and just enough breeze to be the perfect temperature for an outdoor wedding. The day passed by so quickly! Before we knew it, it was 6 pm, all of our friends and family were present, and it was time to say I do!

Instead of walking down the traditional aisle, my dad walked me down through the vineyard and I had an "aisle" made of grape vines. I appeared facing the crowd. It was one of the special touches of the day, making our wedding our own. We stood before Judge Wingate, who gave a short speech of love and honor before reading our vows and we said "I Do".

Dean still laughs at me, thinking back to our wedding ceremony. I was so happy; the smile never leaving my face! While a song was playing during the ceremony, I whispered to him, "Do you like my dress?" When he barely nodded (thinking that this was quiet time!), I replied "It's new." Even Judge Wingate was having trouble not laughing at us during our whispered conversation.

And then we were wed!

We remembered our lost loved ones during the ceremony.
This chair and rose were set aside in loving memory of my grandmother.

Our beautiful wedding cake!

Husband and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lickliter

After a wonderful wedding celebration and honeymoon in Florida, we returned to settle into life together. Of course, we had been together for four years by then, so being married wasn't much different! We accumulated several pets and remodeled the house, living by our motto that life goes on, happily if you let it!

In September 2007, we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary in Hawaii! Who could have imagined that we would enjoy traveling? Well, Hawaii is hard not to enjoy! Perfect weather, the ocean, the life. It was amazing.

In June 2009, we finally became pregnant with our daughter Waverly. After trying for a year, we were thrilled that this was happening for us. Immediately, we began making plans for our baby and just couldn't wait to welcome her to our family.

Daddy and Mommy expecting...

On February 27, 2010, our daughter Waverly was born to us, her proud, exhausted and happy parents.

Obviously, we are very proud parents. Waverly is wonderful and we just adore her.

Our family!

Now here we are, celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. If the next 40 are as wonderful as these past 4, then I welcome the future with open arms and a happy heart.

Happy Anniversary, Dear!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Halfway to One

Waverly at 6 & 1/2 months old is the best baby anyone could ask for.
She is such a delight, always cheerful and loving. These are some of her 6 month old photos.

He loves me, he loves me not...

He loves me!

Our Fairy

Beautiful Baby

With my Mommy
Too Cute!

Flower Girl


Monday, September 13, 2010

Its all Grand

This past weekend, Waverly visited with the grandparents! On Saturday, we went over to Papaw Allen's and Grammy Betty's house. Uncle Chris was visiting from Tennessee and was delighted to meet Waverly.

Uncle Chris and Waverly

Uncle Chris even got down in the floor to play with Waverly and Tanner. The kiddos had a great time. Tanner is crawling all over and he loves to stand up and push his toys around. He'll be running in no time.


Hi There!
Papaw Allen had a lap full, with both babies getting some love.
Waverly thought it was so great to wear Tanner's hat!
Mommy's laundry...
On Sunday, we visited with Grandpa Dean and Mamaw Jean. It was Grandparent's day! After a nice dinner, Waverly had a blast playing with Mamaw and Papaw. She did her best army crawl for them and 'talked' a lot. She had her dinner and then a big drink of water from a big girl cup.

No Mt. Dew for the baby, but she can play with the bottle!
Waverly can't wait to visit with Mamaw Gail soon. We called and left her a message, with Waverly babbling away and giving a good impression of an indian, with her funny noises. Waverly wished her a Happy 1st Grandparent's Day!
You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're Grandpa's Little Girl to have and hold.
A precious gem is what you are;
Your Grandma's bright and shining star.
You're the Spirit of Christmas, our star on the tree.
You're the Easter Bunny to Grandma and me,
Like the angels that sing,
you're a Heavenly Thing
'Cause you're Grandpa's Little Girl.