Wednesday, July 31, 2013

This week is brought to you by the letter... B

This week is all about B's!

We colored a butterfly and read poems.

We ate a banana for tasting
and learned how yummy and squishy they are.

And we made a butterfly for our handprint, 
ahem, and footprint, 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

This week is brought to you by the letter.... A

Our first week of homeschool was wonderful! 
We learned all about the letter A.  
We did handprint art of an Alligator, 
we traced the Big A and little a, 
and we had Apples for tasting!

For tasting, 
we learn all about a food that begins with our letter of the week. 
Today we learned that apples are sweet, crunchy, can be different colors, 
and, most excitingly, have seeds inside. 

Wavy even planted her seeds outside!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sprinkles of Laughter

There's nothing wrong with having a little fun on a weeknight, 
especially when its so hot outside!

A good deal and a quick set-up on a sprinkler
was exactly what we needed!

The kids got all wet running on the sidewalk
as the crazy sprinkler sprayed them with jets of water.

Harlan even took Sissy's bike for a ride up close!

And then we learned how to spray each other...

AHHH!  So much FUN!

Daddy's Lil' Mechanic

Working on the fire truck... 
I'll fix it!

Auntie Angie's

The kiddos stay with my Aunt Angie during the work day. 
They love hanging out and playing!

Harlan & Jade

Nap time Buddies!

Its really neat that the kids get to play and visit with their cousins. 
They will all be so close, as we all know, cousins are your first friends!
They also get to play in the house that I grew up in. 
How awesome is that?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Parkin' it

 I won the "World's Okayest Mom" award
for braving the park alone with two toddlers...

And they had a blast!



The kids did excellent!
At first, I was a little cautious, but they showed no fear!
They played on the small and medium slides and climbed everywhere!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Won't you be my neighbor

Harlan loves to wave to the neighbors!
He even says "Hi, neighbor!"

Preschool at Home

We are so excited to start home schooling!
Waverly is such a smarty.  She loves to cut & paste, 
learn her letters, and do her work sheets. 
She is going to be a math whiz when it comes to shapes and patterns.  

Her preschool assessment was excellent!
She already can recognize several random letters of the alphabet, 
knows all of her colors, and all of her shapes (including the hard ones, 
like trapezoid and hexagon!).  
She can do many movements, including a forward tumble, 
and she is working on learning her right and left. 

We are using an online curriculum
from Brightly Beaming Resources.
We learn one letter per week and incorporate a number, 
math, science and geography a little as we go. 
We read a book each week that features our letter
and read poems and do arts and crafts.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Princesses & a Pirate

 We were definitely due for a party!
For no particular reason, and since both of my kiddos 
have winter birthdays, 
we decided to celebrate with some friends
and have a Princess & a Pirate Party!

Momma had so much fun getting everything ready for the princess party. 
We had wands, fancy forks, cupcakes, princess decorations, 
and castle watermelons!

Not to worry, 
we wouldn't leave out our pirates! 
The boys had a table full of things just for them!

We had a great turnout at the party!
Rapunzel (Wavy)

Belle (Lacie)

Our Pirate (James), Tinkerbell (Lena) and Cinderella (Lila)

Tiana (Abby Kate)

Even Aunt Katie was in the princess mode!

Aunt Katie with Princess Abby

After crown decorating, snacks, and art, 
we went out back to the big bouncy house!

This is why Grandma's are cooler than us!

My Rapunzel

This is one cool grandma too! 
Lookin' great Mama Connie!

The princess and a pirate (since baby pirate Harlan was taking a nap)
party was a great hit!
It was WONDERFUL to spend time with our friends and family!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Biggest Boo-Boo

The scariest moment of a Momma's life
is when one of her babies gets hurt.  
Though extremely scary, this injury wasn't as bad as it seemed...

We were shopping at shop-shop, 
aka Walmart, 
and both kiddos were in the buggy.  
Waverly wanted to be in the big part of the buggy 
but she refused to sit down and she wasn't listening. 
Instead of stopping, 
though we were going slow, 
I continued to tell her to hold tight and sit down. 
She got so excited looking for Qtips, that she just didn't hold onto the cart. 
In slow motion, 
she leans forward 
and topples, or rather, flips out of the cart. 

My heart stopped as I yelled her name. 
Yes, in the middle of Walmart, 
I was certain my child had broken her neck.  
It was the scariest thing I have ever seen. 

Luckily, she came out of the accident
with a bruised face and busted lip. 
Later, it also seems that she has deadened a tooth. 
Her front tooth appears much darker than her other teeth. 
We are glad its just a baby tooth, but mostly just glad that 
my baby girl is ok.

The slightly bruised
(and pouty)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How does your garden grown?

Just a couple months ago, 
Wavy planted these flower buds.  
Now they are taller than she is!

This type of flower is called a Gladiolous 
and is now one of my favorite flowers. 

Wavy Loves them too!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Butterfly

The makers of hooded bath towels... I thank you for the cuteness.

Rain, Rain, here to stay

Well, when it rains, 
you might as well make the best of it!

It was a blast playing in the rain, 
and it was so hot no one minded getting a little wet.

In fact, it was downright fun!

Waverly showed off her "twist & shout" dance moves...

 And apparently, 
Harlan is a fan of "Thriller"!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Go Fish?

Waverly caught her first fish!!!

Pappy took Wavy fishin' in the pond.  I was so proud of her!

She looks a little unsure of what to do with it!
We always release them back into the pond though.

Shelby at Play

Little Miss Shelby had a grand time at her First Birthday!

All of her little friends came to celebrate.
She loved her cake and icing, 
and all her many presents!

Everyone helped Shelby open her presents!

Harlan loved the sand pit...

And Wavy played Princess in the castle...

 And see-saw with Pappy!  

Happy Birthday, Shelby Grace!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ridin' Along

Ridin' along in my automobile...

err... four wheelers and firetrucks, that is!

Harlan isn't picky about his ride. 
He likes to zoom and put out the fire!

Wavy likes to ride too! 

They are so fun on their 4 wheelers!
They even go up to 4 mph!  
Peddle to the floor, baby!