Monday, March 29, 2010

Just like Daddy

Here are several pictures of Dean when he was a baby. Waverly looks like him quite a bit! Of course, she looks like her mommy a little bit too. We think she has features from each of us.

Dean - 3 weeks old

Dean - 7 weeks old
Waverly yawns just like daddy!

Dean - 2 months old

Waverly is her daddy's little girl, that's for sure!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A bunny trip...

In preparation for her first big holiday, today Waverly and I went to have her picture taken with the Easter Bunny! It was soooo cute! She was a little sleepy (after a night of fun keeping her mommy awake until 4 AM) so she snoozed right through photo time. She is such a little sweetheart though. The Easter outfit I chose for her is actually the first outfit I bought for her. It is black and white with pink details, and has little rabbits all over it. She's adorable!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baby Talk

Can you believe it? In just a couple days, our little one will be 1 month old! It's hard to believe that much time has gone by, but the calendar isn't lying. Waverly is almost a month old.

Not long after coming home from the hospital, Waverly started rolling to her side to go to sleep. It just amazed us all that she already could roll that way. Even now, everytime we place her on her back for a nap, she will wiggle and scrunch until she can roll to one side or the other. She is very aware of her surroundings and knows when mommy and daddy aren't napping with her. Just a few days ago, she began reaching for us and grabbing hold to make sure that we don't go anywhere during her rest. Some may say spoiled, but I just say she's well-loved.

Waverly with her Nuk
Waverly already has so much personality. She prefers this brand of pacifier over any other, though she occassionally will use the ones from the hospital still.

Hanging out with Mamaw
Yesterday, Waverly and I stayed with Mamaw Jean for awhile. We had a really nice visit, making cupcakes and chatting it up. Waverly was in a really cheeerful mood, just wiggling and
smiling. We even found some baby pictures of daddy during our visit, so those will be posted soon.

Lovin' my car seat!

Waverly does great in her car seat and in the car. She is usually content with some gentle rocking and then drifts off to dreamland. Its great because she is so portable right now - mommy can get some things done or take a little break.

Last night, Daddy gave Waverly her first bottle. As a breast baby, she hasn't had this exposure before. We are trying to get her to take a bottle for days that mommy can't be right with her all the time, such as when she begins day care. Waverly was NOT happy with this new food venue, but we put forth good effort. For now, she wants what is familiar to her. We'll just keep trying until we find what works for us, all in time.
Otherwise, Waverly can now hold her head up breifly while laying on her tummy and can put her hands together. She can focus on faces now, which is really heartwarming. She hates socks and having her feet covered up, but loves to cuddle with mommy and daddy. I just love to watch her smile. Our little family is doing great!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tummy Time

Following doctor's orders, we started laying Waverly down on her tummy some each day. Of course, this is supervised by us at all times and if she drifts off to sleep, we roll her over to her back. You can't be too careful with little ones! The doctor said that we need to have her on her tummy to help develop her muscles while it is still instict to turn your head to the side when on your belly. She got that part right away, but just didn't know what to think about laying down this way!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Lucky Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today Waverly and I enjoyed a visit from my Aunt Bonnie and Cousin Heather. It was so great to see them for awhile and they just loved on little Waverly.

Aunt Bonnie with Waverly

Cousin Heather playing mommy

We had a busy day with a visit to the Pediatrician's office for Waverly's two week old well-check. She weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces! She has also grown taller, measuring at 20 1/4 inches. Our little bundle won't stay little for long. Waverly is still just perfect and healthy. Our pediatrician was Dr. Patrick today. He recommended getting her outdoors every day for a healthy dose of Vitamin D. He also said that we should begin giving her some tummy time every day. I was worried about how little Waverly had eaten the day before, but Dr. Patrick was happy with her weight gain and said that she is getting all the nutrician she needs. We are so thankful that our daughter is healthy and doing well!

Of course, like most newborns, Waverly is not a fan of going to the doctor. She has to get all undressed (sometimes a difficult feat in it's own) and then its cold and mommy can't hold her the whole time the doctor is checking her out. However, she acts like a big girl and only fusses a little bit. She was all decked out for St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Waverly's Hospital Picture
Mommy as a little one!

Mommy when she was a newborn at the hospital.

Above is a picture of Waverly, taken at the hospital, and then two pictures of me, one from the hospital and one from after I was at home. Everyone says that we look just alike! I see some of her Daddy in her little face, especially when she gets mad, but I have to agree - she is her mommy's little girl!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Outing

Well, we have had only a few outings, given that our little one is just two weeks old today. We have been to the store several times, and even managed to go out to eat a couple of nights. Today though was the first big event that we took the baby with us too. My cousin, Katie, got married today!

Katie and Josh Mangan

This picture is a little dark, and of course, I set the date on the camera in a hurry and added the wrong month ( I blame mommy syndrome!), but it was a lovely wedding. Waverly was such a good little girl through the ceremony, with just some very quiet squeaks when the music was playing. Otherwise, she slept through the ceremony.

Waverly got to meet several family members while at the wedding, like her great grandparents and aunts and uncles she hadn't yet seen. Today was also the first time for her to meet her cousin, Tanner. It won't be long before they will be playing together!

So Photogenic...

Pictures of Me!

Reaching for the pacy? And my mommy thought we'd be pacy free!
Haha to her!

Our little baby burrito - so snug in a swaddler.

I am too cute!

Awake! Feed me now!

Too many pictures!

Tuckered out - but adorable!

Sweet and happy!

Family Photos

My Uncle Matt.

Aunt Phyllis and me.

Papaw Dean holding me for the first time.

A cuddle from Mamaw Jean.

Daddy and Me - My favorite spot!

Taking a nap while Papaw Allen holds me.

My Mamaw Gail is so proud of me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My first...

A day of firsts...

Yesterday we gave Waverly her first bath at home. Of course, its just a little wipe down, as babies are generally clean and only need a bath every couple of days. She fussed a little, but contrary to the way these pictures show her off, she did not scream and cry. She just loves to have her washed and rubbed. Not surprisingly, after her hair was washed it just curled up like mommy's. The verdict is still out on if it will be curly or not. :)

Later on, we loaded up and went to the doctor. Waverly's first pediatrician appointment was today. We made the appointment after meeting with the pediatrician at the hospital, who checks out all the newborns each day they are there. Waverly has a little touch of jondus, but it is such a slight case its not worth mentioning. The hospital pediatrician also noticed a hip click, which is something that I had when I was first born too. The hip click is nothing to be worried about; in most cases the baby just needs to be double-diapered for a couple of weeks. Just to be safe, we have an appointment scheduled for April at UK to check up on her.

We decided to go to Pediatrics of Frankfort based on a couple of referrals and proximity to home. We saw Dr. Jennifer Spath. She was very thorough and pronounced our beautiful daughter as perfect. She'll keep an eye on her hip as well, but the jondus was mostly gone. She weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces, so she has already started gaining weight back (most newborns lose a few ounces aftrer birth).

Sleepy Baby

Home Sweet Home

At the hospital...

All dressed up and ready to go home

After an extended stay at the hospital due to pre-eclampsia after delivery, we sure were ready to come home! I had to stay an extra day because my blood pressure was high and something was off with my lab work, which indicated post-eclampsia. The extra day was good in some ways, because I got to rest well and the extra care from the nurses was nice. Still, after so many days, we were all glad to hear from the doctor on Tuesday morning that we were being discharged.

Waverly's first ride home

Waverly didn't care for the first time being strapped in the car seat, but then she settled down. This little one sleeps like a rock in her car seat. She was content the whole ride from Lexington, including a stop at Walgreen's.

We were glad to be home and get settled in. We are both doing very well, checking blood pressure for mommy and trying to control some diaper rash for baby. Waverly loves when daddy holds her, just cuddling away.