Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lunch Break with Daddy

On Wednesday, Mommy and Waverly met Daddy for lunch!  It was the last day that Mommy was off work to stay with Waverly, so we had a family lunch!  Daddy suggested we grab a pizza and play some games at Gattitown!  Waverly had a blast!

 She loved playing the games.  When she first walked in, she didn't know where to go first!  It was all lights and action!
 She particularly liked this game, where she could push a button to make the wheel stop turning and win tickets! 
 Driving a big truck with Daddy!  Watch the road, sweetie!

 Waverly won 140 tickets!  Then she got to choose a prize...
What a great lunch break!  This must be repeated soon!

Waverly's 1st Hair Cut

At long last, Mommy decided let Waverly have her first hair cut.  Her bangs were in her face, covering those magical blue eyes and requiring that she have a bow-bow every day.  It was hard to say good-bye to those few long locks...

The before picture...
 Waverly was really interested in what was going on!  She liked to sit on the booster seat in the big chair, and she liked to see to the baby in the mirror.  We were prepared with the "plug" right at hand!

After playing with the hair dresser's toys for a minute, she seemed comfortable enough to make that first snip!  It was quickly laid to the side for safe-keeping!
 Having her bangs trimmed... and holding still!  She did really well!
We also snipped just a few of those long locks in the back, during which Waverly wanted to hug her Mommy.  She did so well, she was treated to a few stickers from the hair dresser!
She also gave big hugs on our way out!

The after picture...
graham cracker included...

I was very impressed with how well Waverly did during her first hair cut!  She did better than Mommy, who was a little nervous!  

After leaving the salon, we just had to do some shopping.  Waverly gave big hugs to a new Elmo toy, and showed off her new hair cut to everyone around! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All Girl or a bit Tom Boy?

Its a tough call...
Is Waverly more girly-girl?

 Showing Mommy her pretty fingernails that Mamaw had just painted...
Or Tom Boy?
Fixing her "ride" with a paperclip (this was her idea!)...
 Or is she just a country gal?
Drinking from the water hose... and loving every bit of it!
A bit of both, I think!

18 Month Old Well-Check

Monday, Waverly had a doctor's appointment for her 18 month old well-check.  She was not very enthusiastic about it...

Poor baby!  She didn't even get any boo-boo sticks today, as they have been scheduled for next week due to timing from the last shots she had.  Today was just a big day for her!  She is somewhat of a sympathy crier, and she really wanted to comfort the newborn baby we saw when we got there.  That was the biggest upset for her, which is actually very sweet!

First, Waverly laid down to be measured.  She is 32 inches long!  Then, we walked down the hallway to sit in the "boat", which is commonly known as a scale, to be weighed.  Waverly is still in the 95 percentile at 28 pounds!  Her measurements were just right and Dr. Chase was very happy.  The nurse gave Waverly a new book to read!

Dr. Chase came in to visit and check Waverly over.  Her ears and eyes and nose and mouth were all just fine.  Dr. Chase was very impressed that Waverly has such a large vocabulary, at over 75 words and counting!  Dr. Chase was very proud of Waverly!

To cheer Waverly up, Mommy took her out for lunch, just us girls!

A good lunch and a crazy straw made the day all better! 
Waverly will go back to the pediatrician's office next week for that dreadful boo-boo stick.  Otherwise, it was a great day!

Mamaw's Girl

Sunday, Mommy and Waverly went to Lexington to visit Mamaw Gail!

 Waverly had a great time, playing on the stairs and running around the house!  We had a great lunch and then it was off to the garage to help Go work on the bikes!
Waverly was in full character mode, hamming it up for the camera!

My 'lil super model!

Later, Mamaw Gail went shopping with us!  We had a great time!
Waverly couldn't decide between which puppy dog she wanted as a special treat...

She gave each puppy kisses!

In the end, she just had to have an Elmo balloon!

We had a great afternoon visiting with Mamaw Gail!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Waverly is 18 Months Old!
Its been a wonderful, but fast, year and a half!  Our little baby is now a big girl.
She is into everything, learning more and more each day and just generally impressing everyone around her.  She is such a hoot!  She loves to laugh and make everyone smile!

Waverly's latest accomplishments include expanding her vocabulary to include words like 'elbow', 'bull dozer' and 'paper towel'.  When a new word comes up, she will say something completely different for the first try, but then, when no one is paying close attention, she figures out how to say the word correctly.  My favorite is how she turns her head, thinks about it, and then just figures it out!

Waverly is also a climber!  There isn't a gate, fence or piece of furniture she can't tackle.  She is fairly coordinated for her toddler years!

Waverly's favorite things to do are reading books, playing with her dolls and watching Elmo and Mickey Mouse.  She can be adamant when she wants to do something in particular, telling you to fix the "T-E-V" or bringing you book after book to read with her.  She also loves to do art projects and play with animals. 

As is obvious, we are completely in love with this little girl!  She is wonderful, in every way!

It's a party!

Saturday, Daddy, Mommy and Waverly went to Papaw Allen's house to celebrate everyones birthday!

Since Papaw Allen, Nana Betty and uncle Stephen's birthdays are so close together, we celebrated with one big cook out.
It just so happened that it was Waverly's half birthday, too!

Waverly and Tanner had a great time playing on the deck!
It was so much fun that we even enjoyed our dinner (and desserts!) outside, too!

The  kids loved playing on the riding toys...
We thought they were enjoying a race... but Tanner thought they were playing bumper cars!  That 'lil man is all boy!

The kids compromised by going for a ride in the car together!

It was a great day to celebrate birthdays and milestones.  We all enjoyed the family visit!

Friday, August 26, 2011

while Nana's away... the kids will play!

Nana Pam is on vacation this week and next!  That means several days for Mommy and Waverly to see what we can get into!

Yesterday we spend the whole day in jammies!  We cleaned the house and did all the laundry!  But mainly, we lounged about reading books, playing and of course, watching Elmo on tv!

Or as Waverly says "T-E-V"!

Today, we decided to venture to town!  We made a quick stop by Wal-mart, where Waverly couldn't decide which sippy cup she wanted...

 Sophie's Choice?
So, we just bought both of them! 

Then we went to Mommy's work for a little while...

And who knows what all else we will get into this afternoon! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Little Artist

Waverly wanted to do some art work...
so we both settled down with some crayons, stickers and paper!

Waverly made a pretty picture for Daddy.  Then she helped Mommy with an art project!
We made "envelopes" and "cards" to set up a matching game!

When finished, we taped the board up in Waverly's room!
Now she loves to go in her room and play her matching game.
She's surprisingly good at it, from the first try!  Of course, we all knew she was brilliant!
I see many more art works in our future!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

For the love of reading...

Waverly's favorite thing to do is read!

On any given day, you will find that Waverly would rather read a book or be read to than play any other game.  Its even better than her favorite tv show, Elmo's World.  We love to read all kinds of books together, including Sandra Boynton, Laura Numeroff and countless others. 

We recently finished Waverly's room so that it is now set up like an excellent playroom.  It has her riding toys, rocking horse, table and chairs, and most importantly, a book shelf full of her books.  Now she goes in her room all the time to get another book to read! 

Just like Mommy... reading my books...

And just like Daddy... practicing how to sleep sitting up for high school...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Can I get some cilantro with this Mango, Please?!?

'Lil Man is now the size of a Mango...

Strikes me as funny, since my favorite snack right now is mango with cilantro.  Yum!

Baby Bean is looking more like a baby and less like an alien as he continues to develop each week!  This week, he's focusing on eyes and lips.  He is also sleeping in cycles, 12-14 hours per day, according to my research.  And yes, his days and nights are mixed up!  I feel plenty of punches, kicks and rolls in the mornings, when we are both enjoying a cup of coffee.  Then its off to snooze land for most of the work day!  Later, at night, Baby Bean will be up and at 'em again! 

"This is my dance space.  This is your dance space."
As Baby Bean continues to grow, he is invading my space!  So far, no additional battle scars (aka stretch marks) so we will count our lucky stars in that regard! 

Bean is expected to pack on the pounds from here on out.  He should be growing by a 1/2 pound a week from here on out.  This takes a toll on Momma, but Bean has played nice so far!

Picture of the 22 weeks mark to come! 

We are once again participating in the Monday Mingle at Tough Cookie Mommy.  If you are visting from the mingle, welcome!  Follow us and we'll follow back!

Like our blog?  Vote for us at Top Baby Blogs!  We're currently at #182!
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

Waverly is a Daddy's Girl, that's for sure!
She was all about her Daddy this weekend.  She even moved up from calling him "Dada" or "Dad" to "Dad-eeeeee!"
Here she stole his Gatorade...
And then helped him watch the big screen tv...

But the big event was when Daddy took her for a "ride" on the 4-wheeler!  This girl loves to ride!
 Notice that she is reaching for the handle bars and helping to steer!  She takes her driving seriously!
 I think she's going to be into racing... just like Daddy!
 Takin' Names and Shiftin' Gears!
She's a curious one too.... hmmm... wonder who she gets that from?

 Riding the 4-wheeler didn't quench her need for speed, she had to help Daddy drive the big truck!  Yep, she's Daddy's Girl!

Truck Tuggin' Gal

Saturday night, we all went to the park for a Truck Tug!  Daddy has been a truck tugger off and on over the last 10 years and we are always glad to watch some trucks play tug-of-war!  This time it was an extra special event, as all proceeds went to benefit a family with a very sick little girl.  The Lawrenceburg and Ky Truck Tuggers community raised over $6,000 to help this little girl and her family. 

Waverly was super excited to go to the truck tug...
so much that she zonked out on the way!

She was ready to watch some trucks though!
She even wanted to drive!

 Watching the show with my Papaw.

This is Daddy's truck.. the Rock!
Daddy pulled in the 6000 pound class, which is after our bed time, but we did watch Eddie in the 4000 pound class!
Waverly sat with Mamaw for a bit, and Mamaw taught her how to cheer for the trucks!  
 Then it was Mommy's turn to hold the little munchkin.
 How about some ear protection?
 They aren't too loud, though!  Look at those trucks go!
Waverly weighing in...
 Still around 30 pounds!  She's getting taller, too!
 Waverly was happy to have Daddy hold her, and he let her play in his truck for a few minutes!
 Mommy and Waverly were very happy to see some friends, Barbara and Russell; Earl, Linda and Justin; and the Wiley's, of course!  It was a fun night!
Can't wait for the next truck tug! 

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