Saturday, May 31, 2014

Animal Crackers... In my soup!

It's time to dance!

Today is the big day!
We got all dolled up again, 
curled her hair and added some makeup, 
and Waverly is ready to take the stage!

For the performance, the pre-dance girls 
are going to do their best moves to the tune 
of Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers in my soup!

Waverly and her friend Carly
give each other a pre-show hug!
It's been great watching these two girls become friends in dance class!

Since flash photography and video aren't permitted, 
you'll have to trust me that she did an excellent job on stage!
She wasn't a bit nervous.  She stood with her friends as the crowd ooo'd and awww'd,
and when the music began, she danced her heart out!

I am one proud momma!
I had a special trophy made for Wavy, since she had wanted
one so badly.  Her daddy brought her flowers and we showered her with love. 
Grandparents and aunts and cousins, and of course, Harlan, came to see Wavy's first recital. 
My heart was swollen at the love for this child!

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