Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Waverly's two year old well visit was well, well!
Wavy is a big girl now!

She was happy to visit her doctor today.
She did great with the nurse.  She willingly stood on the scales in order to reach the three stickers, that were just for her, way up high!

She held still while the nurse put on the tiny blood pressure cuff and took her blood pressure.  And she liked the measure how tall she had grown!

"Look!  My sticker is on my hand!"

Wavy was proud of her sticker.  She showed them to Dr. Blair when he came in for the appointment.  She was a big girl and let the doctor listen to her heart.  She even showed Dr. Blair her dance moves!

Yep, I got another sticker!

Wavy did great at her well check!  She is perfectly healthy, hitting all her major milestones, smart as a tack and cute as a button!  We couldn't ask for anything more. 

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