Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Coming Home

By Saturday morning, we were all ready to come home!
Mommy and Harlan were both given one last check by the doctors and then were approved to be discharged from the hospital!  Yay!  We were ready to go home and be with big sis Waverly.

Harlan was not so happy with his first ride in the car seat.  He fussed for a few minutes, and then Mom just held him on the wheel chair ride to the exit doors.  Once Daddy had the truck going, Harlan went straight to sleep.  It seems both our kids are victims of big truck lullabies!

Waverly was so happy to see us!  She was wearing her "I'm a Big Sister" shirt just like Harlan, who was wearing his "Little Brother" shirt.  They were such a cute pair for the homecoming.  Waverly was excited to hold her brother and love on him.  She has done such a good job adjusting to our new addition. 

Now, we just can't wait to settle in at home.  Lots of rest and play in our near future!

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