Friday, December 2, 2011

All In Due Time

It's been quite a week for us! On Tuesday, Mommy had contractions all day long. By 4:00, the contractions were regular at 20 minutes apart. I called the doctors office for instruction, and was advised to go to the hospital if contractions became every 10 minutes apart.

Later that evening, contractions did come every 10 minutes and Daddy took Mommy to the hospital. Once there, the nurse set the fetal monitor and we listened to baby Harlan's heart beat. The nurse checked and Mommy has dilated to three centimeters!

After an hour, the nurse checked again and we hadn't made any progress. It was decided this was false labor and we were sent home to wait.

Contractions slowed down and now are back to being completely random! It seems that Tuesday was just a long day, causing the contractions to come often. Now, it's just wait and wait! We'll be pleased to meet Harlan, but all in due time!

*Photo courtesy of Sarah DeBorde.  Many thanks for the great photo session!

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