Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Best Sound

There are many sounds that have brought more joy to my heart than I ever though possible.  The first cry from my newborn babies, the first coo, the first laugh.  But by far the best sound yet has been that of listening to my oldest child making my youngest child chuckle.

Wavy's charm is hard not fall for, and Harlan admires her so.  He is always looking for his big sis, quick to smile at her when she says "hi brudder".  Wavy can get the biggest grins and giggles from Harlan.  She loves to sing songs to him and watch his face light up.

How could this not put a smile on your face? Simply priceless!

Feeling Better!

Wavy and Harlan are both feeling much better! 
They have been real troopers, taking their medicine and keeping a positive attitude even while they didn't feel well. 

Picking flowers...

Wavy learned how to pick the dandelions and blow the fuzzies off.  She thought this was hilarious!

Harlan is feeling much better too!  He likes to sit up and catch up on his morning cartoons!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How can I ease your pain?

Poor little babies are so sad when they don't feel well.

Harlan managed to keep a cheery attitude in light of it all, but he did not feel good.  The RSV virus is wicked!  Harlan didn't mind the breathing treatments though.  He must have known they make him feel better. 

Aunt Christy has been a huge help!  Both Waverly and Harlan have enjoyed spending time with Aunt 'Kissty".  I think she's had a blast, too!

Wavy enjoyed playing with her cousins Zak and Nic!  She calls them "the boys!" and makes sure to keep them entertained!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just us

Such sweet love and adoration between these two!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lazy Play

My poor babies have been having a rough time!
Both have been sick. 

Still nosy.

Harlan has been sick with RSV, a respiratory virus.  He had trouble breathing and a bad cough.  The doctor prescribed breathing treatments for him.  He did great taking his treatments.  He also had an ear infection, so a round of antibiotics was also in order. 

 Of course, both kiddos would be sick at the same time, since its inevitable that they are going to share all the germs they can find!  Waverly also had a bad cold and an ear infection.  She did great taking her antibiotic and allergy medicine.  She always asks for her medicine!

Even though they weren't feeling their best, they still loved playing together!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Sweet Memory

Wavy always asks to have her nails painted.  She likes to choose the color and she holds so still (most times!) while Mommy paints them.  When I found tiny nail decals, I just couldn't resist!

When I was a little girl, my mamaw would paint my nails and add the fancy stickers.  I was always so proud of my pretty nails. 
Waverly was just as excited.  She held very still while I painted and applied the little heart decals.  She just kept saying "Thank you Mommy.  Oh thank you Mommy." over and over.  She was very happy!

She's just like her Mommy! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Jumping, Jumping!

The kids are so excited to jump on the new jump-o-lene!.

Waverly can jump high, fall on her bottom and get right back up again!  She has lots of energy to use up jumping!

Harlan likes to jump too, but a little differently!  He just likes to lay in the jump-o-lene and be bounced.  He smiles and laughs!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mommy's Little Worker

Harlan loves hanging out with Mommy at the office!

Oh, those early mornings!

Hi Mommy!  What are we doing today?

Wait, what?

Work?  Work?  You can't put me to work!

He actually loves visiting with all Mommy's work friends. 

Meeting Mike!

Katie loves baby Harlan!  She just can't wait to hold him when he's here!

I think Harlan was a little sweet on Rachel...

We always have the best days when Harlan visits the office!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Waverly wanted to try on "Mommy's pretty dress"!

She wears it well!

My beautiful baby!

I hope that she will one day want these pictures displayed at her own wedding.  She will be a beautiful bride!

The outfit says it all...

These kids are good for the heart!
They always have a smile for you.

Harlan was laughing at Mommy...
I think he liked his t-shirt.  It says "My Mommy is Exhausted".

Waverly was so proud of herself!  She chose her own clothes to wear.
She has been picking out her own outfits every day.  She said,
"I wear pretty dress!" today.  She was even more excited when I reminded her that it was a birthday gift from Nae and Liv.  She loves our friends!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kids Being Kids

The little ones have been having a good time.
We have been spending a lot of our time at home lately.  The kids really enjoy their rooms, playing with all their toys and spending time with Mommy and Daddy.

Harlan likes to sit up in his Bumbo chair!
He just looks around and smiles!  He checks out whatever is going on, often watching Sister playing.  She shows him toys and they watch cartoons together!

Waverly is really interested in fixing things as of late.  Everything needs batteries.  She wanted to help Daddy fix her book...

She used the tiny screwdriver to twist and turn the screw.  She actually did a good job!

it was very cute to see her helping Daddy! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Posing for Pictures

My little model!
Waverly loves her new dress that Aunt Re bought for her.
She was ready to pose for pictures, even!

I can see a future in modeling.

Silly girl!
She loves to dress up now.  She is becoming very independent, always insisting on choosing her own outfit.  She favors dresses, of course!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

3 Months Old

Harlan is now three months old!

He has the best smiles!  He is showing so much personality for his young age. 
Harlan loves to kick and play.  He has discovered his little hand, and just holds it up to gaze at it in wonder.  He adores his big sister, following her every move and smiling at her.

Harlan laughs out loud now!  Its such a big cackle for such a little guy! He loves to be tickled, always giving a big chuckle for us.

My favorite game to play with Harlan is "Where's Mommy?"  He is so good at this new game.  He loves to meet new people and is willing to be held by just about anyone, but he keeps an eye out for Mommy!  He always looks around for me and gives me a big grin when he finds me.

Harlan's favorite toy is a mirror.  He loves to coo at the baby grinning back at him.  He has found his own little friend! 

Harlan is a strong little fella.  He has an amazing push up.  He loves tummy time and shows everyone how high he can hold his head and shoulders up.  He'll be working out in no time!

My Little Student

Ever so serious...

 Waverly takes her writing practice very seriously.  She loves to have a pencil and paper.  She is going to be a good student!

Here she is practicing drawing lines and circles.  She recognizes most shapes and is learning to draw them! She also told me that she wrote her name, brudder, mommy and daddy, too!

So proud of her accomplishments!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Poor Harlan has been to the doctor so many times since he was born!
Today, it was just for a weight check to see if his new formula and medicine for his acid reflux is working.

He wasn't very excited when I told him where we were going...

What? The Doctor? Again?!?

But he cheered up when he saw Dr. Shalash!

We like Dr. Shalash very much!
She was very happy to report that Harlan had gained a pound in the past two weeks.
The new formula is helping him tremendously and his acid reflux seems to be under control.

He's a happy and healthy boy now!

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Buddy & Me

These two are peas in a pod.
They love to play together.

Wavy is sure to entertain Harlan while he plays on his tummy.
She brings him toys and shows them to him, shakes his rattles and takes turns.
She is quick to let Mommy know if Harlan needs anything.

And is ever willing to offer a hug!

Harlan smiles and coos at Wavy.  She gets the biggest grins out of him.
She is always concerned about where he is, wanting to check on him if he is napping in his room.  They are quite a pair!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Not-So-Terrible Two

Now that Waverly is two years old, we are ever on the watch for the "terrible" part to start...
perhaps a few more tantrums, but she is our wonderful Waverly.

Waverly had to go to the pediatrician for her 2 year old well check!
We talked a lot about going to the doctor, and we played with her toy stethoscope.  She likes listening to mommy and daddy's hearts.

Waverly was such a good girl at the doctor's office! 
She weighed in on the baby scale, standing instead of sitting in the boat like she used to. 
She talked to the nurse and did some counting.  We measured her length and she wore the halo that measures her head.  All of her measurements were excellent, and she was in the upper percentiles in each category!

We read a new book and played while we waited for Dr. Blair. 
Waverly was very patient!
She did fuss a little as Dr. Blair looked at her nose, throat, ears and pushed on her belly.  Dr. Blair said that she was really good for a 2 year old!  We bragged that Waverly was doing so well potty training and without using her plug (pacifier).  Dr. Blair was proud of her!

As a special reward for being a good girl at the doctor's office, we went to McDonalds for some fry-fries!  Then we visited Mommy's work for a bit before ending our busy day!
So proud of my Wavy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just the two of us

This is one of those aww moments in life...

This morning while getting ready for the day, Harlan was a little fussy.
He was laying in the bed and just a bit whiney.  After a minute, I noticed that he had calmed down.  I went into the bedroom to find Waverly snuggled up close to him.

She was singing "Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row, Row your boat" (you have to work hard when you are on her boat!).  Harlan just gazed at her and smiled.

There is nothing like the love between a brother and sister. 
They are the best of friends!