Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday

Yea, it's Friday! Waverly and I have been looking forward to the weekend to spend some good quality time together. I have missed her very much this week. Her first week at daycare has went really well, considering schedule changes and all the new people. She was in a great mood yesterday during my lunch visit and when I picked her up in the afternoon. She is still fighting naps in the crib, preferring to sneak naps in the swing or bouncy chair. We are working on having her take naps at home in the bassinet without the vibration, so that she will be more familiar with sleeping on her own. I am just glad that she has done this well so far.

Playing and earning my nickname - "Kicky"

This morning, Waverly was all sunshine. She slept in a little bit longer than usual, so she was still awake and playing on the way to daycare this morning. She is so sweet, kicking her legs and stretching. She has taken the habit of kicking me in the middle of the night instead of crying to wake me up for a feeding or a cuddle. She's really exercising those chubby little legs now.
We are ready for the weekend! I plan on lots of play time, cuddle time and naps!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pretty in Pink

This morning, Waverly was all smiles and giggles. She is wearing one of the first outfits I bought for her and she makes it so cute! It says "daddy's princess", which is true!

Ms. Sandra said that Waverly did well at daycare yesterday. She had some tummy time and play time on the floor mat. She was happy and content for most of the day, but sometimes a little fussy and crying. Ms. Sandra rocked her for a little while and she liked that. Waverly is still fighting the crib and wakes up every time she is laid down in it. She did manage an hour long nap yesterday and then a couple cat naps, too.

Waverly was happy when I picked her up in the afternoon. She even talked to me most of the way home, just cooing and gooing in the backseat. She dozed off because she was so tired, but woke up during dinner. (She has good timing! I swear she knows just when I am about to eat.) Waverly was still tired, so she had a feeding and then went back to sleep. That was fine, except that I miss playing with her in the evenings and the 3 AM wake-ups are back. With all the new things in her life, this is to be expected. However, I have faith that we will both adjust soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Together Again!

I was so excited to see Waverly yesterday afternoon when it was time for her to leave daycare for the day. The ladies all agreed that she had had a good day, with only a little bit of crying.

She was taking a little snooze in the bouncy chair when Mamaw Gail and I arrived to pick her up. Ms. Sandra said that Waverly refused to sleep in her crib, which is a problem at home too. She prefers her car seat, bouncy chair or the bassinet, all of which are softer than the crib mattresses.

Waverly had 3 bottles throughout the day yesterday, which equals about 12 ounces. Plus, I fed her at home that morning and at lunchtime, too. Now we have a better idea of how much our little one is eating each day.

Last night, Waverly was very tired after not sleeping very well at daycare. I took a little nap with her in the early evening, and she slept with her hands all tangled in my shirt so I couldn't let her go. It was sweet and heartbreaking, because I knew we'd have to do it all over again today.

This morning, she was in a good mood when she woke up. She zonked out before we even left the house; its still early for her to wake up! She was still asleep in her car seat when I left her at daycare. Today was even harder for me than yesterday, so I am really hoping that she has a good day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Waverly's First Day!

It's Waverly's first day at daycare! This morning went fairly smoothly, considering neither of us is used to waking up this early. Waverly woke me up for a feeding at 5:20 AM and then it was a short cat nap before the alarm sounded at 5:45. The little slept in while I did mommy things to get ready to go, like getting dressed and packing the bottles in her bag.

At 7:00, it was time to wake her up. She was stretching and smiling, but still tired. She just kept looking at me with questioning eyes, just like she was saying "why so early, mommy?". She wore her cute little pink and brown outfit for her first day.

Waverly fell back asleep before we even left the house this morning, and she was still snoozing when we arrived at the daycare center. Mommy filled out her daily paperwork, unloaded her bottles into the fridge, and then it was time to say good-bye. She was still snuggled in her car seat and sleeping like a rock, so I just kissed her little hand and told her to have a good day.

Waverly's crib, filled with her things

Still sleepy...

Only a little teary-eyed, I managed to leave the center and get started with my day. It's a good thing I took off work today, so that I can cry at home. I plan to stay busy with grocery shopping and cleaning the house. I can't wait to visit Waverly at lunch time though!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Go...

Laughing at Paw while Mamaw holds me.
Are you being a good girl? Of course!

Today Waverly visited with Mamaw Jean while Mommy went to town by herself. We all thought it might be a good idea to practice being apart from the baby for a little while before sending her to daycare on Monday. So, it was off to town all by myself for the first time in 8 weeks! I did a few errands and managed to last about 3 hours before returning home. This was the first time that I had been more than just a couple of rooms away from her, so it was not easy. I felt so empty-handed, with just my purse to carry around. I missed the baby, the car seat and even lugging the diaper bag around. I was proud of myself though, for not crying at all!
Waverly was really good while at her mamaw's house. Mamaw reported that she drank a bottle and watched the ceiling fan for awhile before settling in for her long nap of the day. When in need, you can always get Mamaw to get Waverly to go to sleep. Must be magic!

Friday, April 23, 2010

No More Tears

Today Waverly and I met with Papaw Allen to go to Waverly's 2 month well-check at the Pediatrician's office. This was a big day because all of her shots were due!

Waverly was just waking up from a long nap when we first arrived, so she was hungry, wet and not in a good mood. She really wanted all the things to be fixed right away, but the nurse said to wait to feed her until after her shots. She screamed and screamed, even while the doctor was there trying to talk to mommy.

Papaw Allen held Waverly and tried to calm her down. She is used to getting whatever she wants immediately, so it was no simple task. He did get her to take her pacifier, commonly known around our house as the "plug".

We saw Dr. Saxena today. He gave us really good news about Waverly. Her ultrasound that we had done at UK Hospital on April 6th came back with good results. She does not have anything wrong with her hips, and if they felt a hip click prior to, she was pronounced all good today. Our little hippy!
Waverly weighed in at 11 pounds 1 ounce (75th percentile) and she measured 21 3/8 inches (50th percentile). Her head measured 15 3/8 inches (90th percentile). The doctor said that her measurements were all great! Dr. Saxena said that she can start having vitamins now, too.
I was permitted to feed her for a few minutes after the docotr looked her over and then it was time for those nasty immunization shots! Waverly had the DTaP shots and an oral for the Rotavirus. She liked the oral drink; the nurse said most babies do. Next up, three shots in her little legs. She was a real trooper, with mommy holding her hands while the nurse gave her the shots. I crouched down near her face and told her how much I love her and how proud I was of her. The first two shots were no big deal, but the third was the Tetanus shot and it burns a little bit. She fussed just until I started feeding her again, and then she was back to being a happy camper.

The nurse said that the shots would make her either fussy or tired for a few hours. Lucky us, tired won out. She fell asleep while Papaw Allen was holding her and then napped right through the car ride home. She'll get a little tylenol tonight, as the shots can give her a little fever. Otherwise, our little one is healthy and sweet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


This morning Waverly and I went to daycare to get everything ready for Monday, her first day! I have all her things packed and delivered, including diapers, wipes, sheets, blankets, 15 bibs, and 6 outfits. That should last about a day (just kidding!).

The daycare we have chosen is really nice. The lady taking care of the infants, Ms. Sandra, is a registered nurse, so Waverly will be in good hands. There is one other young baby there, Madeline, who is six months old, but Waverly will be the youngest until someone new comes along. There are also two little boys in her classroom, too. Poor Ms. Sandra - I have my hands full with one little one!

The daycare center will make sure that not only is Waverly safe and sound, but that she is reaching all her milestones as well. She will get tummy time every day, which makes me really happy because we don't always make time for it.

Both Waverly and I teared up this morning during our visit! She was ready for her first nap of the day, and I was just sad that my maternity leave is nearing its end. I will miss her so much! It was hard just being a couple rooms away from her this morning!

The daycare staff has promised to make this transition as easy as possible for us all. I am allowed to come visit everyday during my lunch to feed Waverly and I can call as many times as I need to to check on her throughout the day.

Here is a picture of Waverly with her Paw, having a bottle and practicing for when she will get to have a lot more bottles at daycare.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Let's Party!

Yesterday, Waverly and I went to Aunt Angie's house to celebrate Cousin Lacie's 6th birthday. What a party! Everything was all decked out in Miley Cirus and the birthday girl had a lot of presents. The cake was so cute and delicious!

Happy Birthday Lacie!

Waverly was in a good mood for a little while, laughing and giggling some. The party was during her fussy time of the day, so she did take a little nap. Amy and Tanner sat beside us at the party and we had a good time catching up with each other. Tanner is really growing and he had a great time playing with the wrapping paper.

Lacie had a great birthday, with lots of presents, like Miley Cirus clothes and toy animals.

Mommy and Waverly

What a fun weekend!

Friday, April 16, 2010

"I Good"

For the past couple of weeks, the grandparents have been telling Waverly to say "I Good!". This was a little confusing to me, as I know that Waverly not only can't talk, but this is such an odd choice of words for a baby. Still, both Mamaw Jean and Mamaw Gail have been earnestly telling Waverly, "C'mon, say I Good!".

Well, a few days ago it became clear to me why the grandma's have been persistent in telling our little one to say "I Good!". She was goo-ing and coo-ing and out came "I Good!" Of course, she is really saying "Ah-Goo" but it does sound like she is saying "I Good!". Waverly is really making a lot of different sounds now (sometimes just downright noise!), including most of the vowel sounds. She can say "Hi", which is really just the "I" sound, and sometimes "You", or the "U" sound.

Of course, now everyone is pouring on the flattery to Waverly by repeating her favorite words in hopes that she will tell us "I Good!" or "Hi". I wish I could bottle her sweet sounds to sell; I'd be a millionaire.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nicknames and Knick-Knacks

Time for an update on little Waverly! She is growing so much and changing every day. At six weeks old, she can return a smile and it just warms my heart. She is a comical little character, really laughing and smiling. She enjoys watching her stuffed animals while she's hanging out on the changing table (it makes changing her clothes a lot smoother, too!). She is learning that she can make sounds, too. She will scream and shout, just having a good time! Mommy and Daddy nicknamed her "Squeaker" ever since she was born, because she makes the cutest little sounds, almost like a kitten. Now her kitten noises are getting louder, but she is living up to her name - Little Squeaker!

Laughing it up!
Her shirt says "I know my finger is small... but daddy is still wrapped all around it!"
I think that's what she was laughing about!

Ready to Rock N' Roll.

Waverly is sporting all her Harley gear in this picture, including little Harley booties.
Waverly has several nicknames, such as Sugars (her Daddy tends to call her this most of the time), honey, dear, love, and baby. I catch myself always saying "Hi Baby" to her. I am trying to call her Waverly more so she will learn her name! One of her nicknames is Scooter. She is living up to this one, too, as she can now use the heels of her feet to scoot herself from one end of the changing table all the way to the other end. I had to fold a blanket to put at the end of it so she wouldn't bonk her little head.

I love my bouncy chair!

Waverly is learning to hold her head up for longer each time, trying to get a good look around at what's going on. She is strengthening those muscles and she is so strong!

Waverly is learning new things every day. She loves to watch Crissy and Axel, even if they are just sitting around. When they get in her view, she will stare them down and giggle when they move around.

Crissy - the Boppy Pillow thief!


Otherwise, Waverly is doing really well at learning to sleep longer through the night. Last Friday night, she slept from 10:30 PM till 5:30 AM. I was ecstatic! She is staying on this schedule, sleeping for about 6 hours at a time each night.

More to come!

My First Movie!

On Saturday, Waverly went to her first movie! We went to the drive-in movie theater with Papaw and Mamaw, Uncle Josh and his girlfriend, and of course, Mommy, Daddy and Waverly. Her first movie was "How to Train A Dragon" and it was so much fun.

Waverly was on excellent behavior. She only fussed a little bit and we managed to watch (most of it!) the movie. Of course, we know that she can't watch the movie yet, let alone process the show, but it was great fun to watch her looking around and listening. We can't wait for the movie to be released so we can buy her a copy of her first movie at the drive-in!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Picture Me!

Today was all about Waverly! We had her pictures made and are just thrilled with how they turned out. She was a real trooper, just being her adorable self.

My 1st Easter

Happy Easter!

Aren't I cute?

Waverly had a wonderful first Easter! Mamaw Gail brought her an early Easter present on Good Friday. It was her first Easter dress and a cute little bucket filled with a rubber duck and a stuffed animal chick.

Waverly and I went by Papaw Allen's house for a little Easter visit. Here she is with him. She really enjoyed sitting outside and watching the wind blow the wind sock around. The Easter bunny also brought her presents here, a purple outfit and bunny basket. She had a good time visiting and playing with Cousin Tanner.

Hanging out with Mommy

We rounded out the day by visiting Papaw Dean and Mamaw Jean. Waverly had another little Easter present - a yellow bear. It must have been telling her jokes because she loved looking and laughing at it. Too Cute!!!

It was a nice day for Waverly's first big holiday. Thanks to all for the Easter cards and gifts.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bittersweet Success

A couple of days ago, we were able to successfully feed Waverly a bottle! We are guessing that this attempt was better than the first because we had the bottle prepared before she got too hungry. It was great to see Dean feeding her the first bottle. He did really well, just like an 'ol pro. Naturally, I was a little bit sad too, but Waverly is still breastfed as well as occassional bottles. She does really well having both bottles and breast. She likes to eat!

Holding on!
I am so cute!

Looking at Daddy while he feeds me!
