Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A girl never goes anywhere without her lipstick!

Every little girl needs some lipstick!
Wavy loves make-up.  
Maybe she doesn't realize that she is too young for make-up, but it doesn't heart to play!

Showing Momma her "lips" (which is what she calls lipstick!).  
She doesn't do a bad job, actually, and she doesn't eat it like some kiddos tend to do. 

Oh, I think she needs some more. 
Can't have too much lips on. 

Pretty Girl!

Teething Tots

My little man is teething away!
He is getting his two teeth on the bottom.
He is a real trooper, handling the teething process fairly well. 
It must make his gums sore, because they look red and bumpy.

Momma keeps him happy with some cold fruit. 
He loved this cantaloupe in his fruit feeder toy. 
He just chews and bites and the cold cantaloupe makes his gums feel better, 
plus its super yummy!
Now he gets to share big sis' snacks!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Best Birthdays!

Today has been filled with birthday celbrations!
Wavy's friend Annie turned 3 today!

Annie was so excited for her birthday!
When we got there, she came running to Wavy, 
hollering "Happy Birthday!"

Then the girls rushed off to play! 

Annie is so cute!  She is growing up so fast, much like my little ones!

Wavy had fun playing with Tanner, too!
They liked the sand box. 

And what birthday wouldn't be complete without a jumpy house? 
Not Miss Annie's! So much fun for the kids and so many things to do. 
Happy Birthday, Anna Grace!

Happy 50th Pappy!

Pappy may be another year older,
but he's young at heart!

Aw, Pappy's 50th Birthday! 
Dad was so proud to have all his grand-babies there for his birthday celebration!

Pappy with Harlan, goofing around!

Waverly loves baby Shelby!
She just can not get enough of her baby cousin.  She holds and loves on her all the time. 

Wavy and Harlan made a picture for Pappy for his birthday.  
Such sweet little deers!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Looks Like Daddy!

Well, the general consensus is that Harlan has a lot of the same expressions as his daddy. 
While we see a lot of features from Uncle Matt (commonly known around our house as Uncle Map) and from Papaw Gordon, it is quite clear that Daddy and Harlan have some striking similarities!


Harlan, a little bit older in this picture than his daddy's age in the picture above.
Both are cute as buttons, but look at how alike they are! 



It would appear that they have the same yawn too, though I'd guess Daddy was a bit more enthusiastic about his nap than Harlan.  Both boys still like to get their rest in! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Brudder likes projects just as much as his big sis!
We played with some paint today and it sure was a learning experience!
Brudder learned that painting was fun, and Momma learned that painting with boys is a lot different than painting with little girls.  
For one thing, girls don't try to eat the paint...

He thought the little paint jars were great for throwing, chasing and trying to lick (Momma stopped him from eating paint, everyone!).

Once we focused on our project though,
Brudder was thoroughly mesmerized by the squishy paint on his hands!

We painted hands and feet and little bitty toes!

And then we were distracted by the craft container...  

It was a lot of fun to paint pictures together though.
Harlan was so cute and was just into everything. 
I still think his pictures turned out great! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Waverly is the sweetest little ballerina!

This is her second year at the School of ballet. 

She has learned so much. 
She loves to bunny hop and bear crawl.  She can spin with her arms out, looped in front of her, and of course, the classic ballerina spin with arms circling above. 

Silly girl!
Her favorite part of dance class is tap.  She is actually very good for her age and follows every step.  She can walk the length of the dance floor in her slippery tap shoes, tapping heel to toe the whole way.

So far, she has really enjoyed dance class.
She is absolutely adorable too!

Nothing beats a big bow!

Almost everyday, Wavy gets a bow-bow for her hair. 
Its growing longer and longer, and oh-so-pretty!

This morning, we had the perfect pink and brown bow-bow that matched her Hershey's shirt and pink pants.  She was so adorable getting ready!

Posing for a picture!  This bow is so huge, but we loved it! 

Daddy & Me

So sweet!  Those two have so much fun together.  They are great friends, father and daughter.  It makes my heart happy! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

My basket of joy!

Kids.  There is no use in buying fancy toys when you have some regular household stuff around to play with.  Harlan dumped all the toys out and then played with the basket! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

No obstacles!

Daddy is super proud of his rock crawling buggy!  And why not?  Its pretty awesome.  He's put a lot of work into it, and everyone notices.  We really like to go out riding together.  Its a fun date.  This time, he even let Mommy drive!!!  Can you believe it?  I drove over this massive pipe.  

Daddy is a much better driver than I though.  He can take the buggy through just about anything.  It doesn't even make me nervous to ride with him.  We climb some pretty steep hills and then come right on back down!  Its a blast and we love spending time together! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friends for always!

Hanging out with friends on a lazy weekend is just the best!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just my mommy & me

While Waverly is off enjoying her ballet class and some special time with Mamaw Jean,
Mommy and Harlan spend some one-to-one time. 

Today we went shop-shop together. 
Brudder now loves to shop with Mommy.  
He gets to pick out something for himself, and something for sis, usually a small toy or a new shirt. 

Hmmm... what should I buy today? 

This is also a prime location for a cute little boy to perfect those flirting skills!
Harlan is a fan of the ladies.  He plays bashful, often laying his sweet little face against my shoulder and batting those gorgeous eyes at any lady walking by.  They fall for it every time.  
Who could resist? 

7 "ate" 9... or Harlan ate #8

8 months old and on the move!

Mobility is Harlan's newest and best honed skill, as of late. 
He is not only crawling everywhere, but has decided that 8 months old is old enough to start this walking business!  
What? 8 months old?  Jumping at the bit some, don't you think? 
But yes, little man is pulling himself up to stand and then cruising furniture already!

Harlan loves new toys.  Anything that he can chew on is a great toy in his book!  He loves noise makers now, anything squeaks or rattles.  We like to play peek-a-boo with our toys, and we just learned how to play peek-a-boo with our hands or a blanket.  Such laughter when we reappear.  My favorite is when Waverly plays too.  She gets the biggest grins from her little brudder. 

Hmm.  Somebody isn't as cooperative anymore about Mom's monthly project.
Silly boy, tricks are for rabbits!
I tricked him into laying still for a quick picture by making tons of silly, embarrassing noises and playing peek-a-boo behind the camera. 
We'll see if we can make it with pictures to 1 year old!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Standing Man!

Look at my standing man!

8 months old and he's already learned to stand up! 
I can't believe how grown up he is. 
He's (almost) as proud of himself as I am!

Wouldn't trade anything for that smile!
Such an accomplishment. 
Harlan will be on the move before long! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Singin' in the Shower

Waverly always wants to take a shower now!
Gone are the days of easy baths, both kids in the tub, squeaky clean in a jiffy!
Now she is all about the shower routine!

She has plenty of her own soaps and shampoos, little girly poofies and toys.  Instead, she'd rather play with a regular 'ol bar of soap!  

She's really into this "I can do it all by my self" stage!  
It's great that she is growing up and becoming more and more independent, 
but where did my baby girl go? 

Still, there's nothing like a toddler singing in the shower! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Naps Happen Anywhere

Wish we could sleep that good as a grown-up!

My Hand-Print Alphabet!

It's always project time around here!
Waverly thought this painting idea was really fun!  And Mommy was just plain pleased that it turned out well.  
We painted handprints in different ways to make illustrations for each letter of the alphabet!

We did not, however, follow the order of the alphabet! 
We have to get more paint supplies for that. 
But for today, we did get several of the letters made. 

Waverly had fun with her feet, too!

Check out the beautiful cherry blossom tree we made! 
Wavy learned that instead of painting her whole hand and making hand prints, we could just paint one finger and make flowers.  

Of course, sis couldn't have all the fun! After his nap, it was Harlan's turn. 
We made "D for Daddy's Dears" with each of their hand prints! 

This one is my favorite!