8 months old and on the move!
Mobility is Harlan's newest and best honed skill, as of late.
He is not only crawling everywhere, but has decided that 8 months old is old enough to start this walking business!
What? 8 months old? Jumping at the bit some, don't you think?
But yes, little man is pulling himself up to stand and then cruising furniture already!
Harlan loves new toys. Anything that he can chew on is a great toy in his book! He loves noise makers now, anything squeaks or rattles. We like to play peek-a-boo with our toys, and we just learned how to play peek-a-boo with our hands or a blanket. Such laughter when we reappear. My favorite is when Waverly plays too. She gets the biggest grins from her little brudder.
Hmm. Somebody isn't as cooperative anymore about Mom's monthly project.
Silly boy, tricks are for rabbits!
I tricked him into laying still for a quick picture by making tons of silly, embarrassing noises and playing peek-a-boo behind the camera.
We'll see if we can make it with pictures to 1 year old!