Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh Thank Heaven, at 11 Months Old

Waverly is 11 Months Old!

Unfortunately, on her month day, Waverly had to go back to the Pediatrician! Poor little thing was very tired last night and had a lot of trouble sleeping! She also has a runny nose and cough. First thing, Mommy called the doctor and scheduled an appointment.

Luckily, we got to see Dr. Spath again! She took a good look at Waverly's ears, and yes, it is yet another ear infection. This go round, there is just one ear infected, her right ear.

Dr. Spath also looked at Waverly's throat and listened to her breathing. She has a little cold, but we caught that early so it shouldn't develop into anything more. We are also thankful that she does not have to have breathing treatments right now. The cure was a prescription for stronger antibiotics, and to schedule another appointment to recheck her ears.

Oh man, more medicine? Ick!

This time, Mommy had the pharmacy add some grape flavoring, which Waverly appreciates! Though still a little fight, she takes it better than before!

Nothing like some Pat-A-Cake to cheer me up!

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake...

Throw it in the pan!!!

Later, Mamaw Gail came to visit! Waverly was so excited to see her. She jumped into her arms before Mamaw even got to take her coat off!

What a great time visiting! Waverly showed Mamaw her photo album, filled with family pictures. She likes to announce who everyone is as she turns the pages, Dada, Mama, Papa (which Waverly can now say!), Nana, and of course, Dog!

At 11 months old, our little one is trying all sorts of new things! She likes to push her big girl riding toy all over the house. She can flat move. Every few steps, she's shriek and giggle, so proud of herself!
Waverly loves her baby dolls. She gives them hugs and kisses all the time. She loves to play with any toy that has buttons she can push. Her new shoes are another 'toy'. She likes to (un) tie them!

But she will try to put them on by herself!

Waverly is learning new words all the time! Yesterday, she followed Mommy into the walk-in closet and as she peered around the corner, I said "Hello!" To my surprise, Waverly said "Hello!" right back! She is so cute!

Hopefully soon our wee one will be feeling much better! In the meantime, Mommy is busy planning a big birthday party for just next month! Can you believe it?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little wiser, a little more fabulous

Wednesday was Mommy's Birthday! It was a nice day! Daddy took Mommy out for lunch and then the Lickliter family got together for dinner, cake and ice cream!

Waverly tried a bite of cake...

She really liked it!

Mamaw Jean spoiling Waverly...

Waverly had fun playing tickle monster with Sarah! Here she was playing Peek-a-boo with Mommy and the camera!

I just adore this picture of Waverly. Mommy and Mamaw Jean were being silly and Waverly just sat there staring at us! She sat there for the longest time, making us giggle!

Playing with Mommy - the best birthday present!
Since its Mommy's birthday, let's look at some "Mommy Milestones" I've accomplished over the 11 months...

Mommy Milestones
1) I've managed to successfully baby proof our home without making it look like a stunt person's practice area.
2) I am a Master Rocker (i.e., I can rock the baby while singing songs, playing peek-a-boo, while playing pat-a-cake or at nap time!)
3) I watch Sesame Street for the nostalgia factor.
4) I can push a stroller with an iced coffee in hand without suddenly veering into different directions (though I think Daddy would disagree about my skill level here...)

Awww, Birthday Hugs!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jumping Beans

Waverly decided that she wanted to eat some green beans off Mommy's plate...



Go on, take another bite!

Hehehe, I'm so silly!
She would take a bite, think about it, and then jump up and down!
Waverly has been eating a variety of new foods. She is such a big girl now, eating real carrots, green beans, peas and potatoes. She really enjoys fresh fruit, especially cantaloupe. She likes to eat off the same plate as the grown ups, too. Last night, she kept reaching for my spoon to have a big bite of chicken and stars soup!

Who me?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who's the culprit???

Someone is in BIG TROUBLE! I just don't know who!
Yesterday after our grocery store adventure, Waverly helped Mommy stock the kitchen. We rarely buy soda, but thought that this week it would be a nice treat (since our little family loves it so much!). Waverly was particularly interested in the bright Mt. Dew cans...

That I understand! Its bright, pretty and shiny. But, how does she know to take the can, hold it right side up, take a big (pretend) gulp and then smack her lips?
To my knowledge, she has had one tiny sip of Sprite (while on vacation, and she didn't like it!) and then one tiny taste of coke (much to my dismay and to the delight of grandparents, which Waverly did enjoy very much!).
Whose been giving this kid Mt. Dew???

Yum, yum!

Please open it? NO!
Waverly would take her a big pretend drink, then say "Ahhh". She'd smack her lips and giggle!
Poor baby, Mommy denied her very cute request for some Dew.
Not going to happen anytime soon!

Monday, January 17, 2011

So what if I'm Spoiled Rotten?

Mommy: "Waverly, Waverly... are you supposed to be in your dresser?"

Waverly: shakes head no-no.

Mommy: "Waverly, what are you up to?

Waverly: shakes head no-no, but opens the drawer anyway...

What a stinker!

Waverly is so adorable, its hard to say no when she's into something! She is also going to be a bit stubborn - she gets that from Mommy and Daddy! Whenever she gets into something she knows she is not supposed to be in, she will tell you "no-no". Sometimes she will move on to play with something else, but sometimes not! She's so funny!

Waverly is still enjoying all her new toys from Christmas. The huge toy chest is full to the brim! Her most favorite toys are dolls now. She will hug them and kiss them and pat them on the back. She is so sweet!

Playing hard!
This past weekend, Mommy and Waverly visited with Mamaw Gail. Waverly had fun playing with cars and stuffed animals. She loves to visit Mamaw and Gary!

Later, we met Mommy's friend from her days at Georgetown College. Waverly was on her best behavior and let us girls catch up. She did flirt with the coffee barista - only 10 months old and already waving to the boys! Silly girly! It was so nice to visit with Jennifer! We can't wait to visit again so Waverly can see Thomas.

Then we stopped by Mamaw Jean and Papaw Dean's for dinner! Daddy was there too! Waverly practiced walking in Aunt Re's shoes! She wasn't so sure about that, but Papaw was there to help.

After a long weekend, Waverly was ready for bed. She read Mommy and Daddy a bedtime story and then it was a quick bath before snuggling down.

Ready for another week! Its going to be a busy one!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Medically speaking, you're adorable!

On Monday afternoon, Mommy took Waverly back to the pediatrician's office to see Dr. Spath. She wanted to look at her ears again and listen to her breathing to make sure Waverly was getting better.

Mommy and Waverly read books while we waited for Dr. Spath. Waverly is always surprising Mommy with something new she has learned. This little Sesame Street book has pictures of several of the characters, and Waverly would point out Elmo consistently throughout the book. What a little smarty-pants!

Waverly's check up went really well! Dr. Spath was very impressed with how well her breathing sounded. We will continue to give Waverly breathing treatments over the next couple of days, but we can do them much less often and then ween her off. Her left ear was also much better! She did have a little fluid on the right ear now, but with the antibiotics she is taking that should clear up very soon. Dr. Spath said that we wouldn't have to come back in again unless something changed. So, our baby girl is (almost) all better.

After the evening's breathing treatment, we spent some time together reading books.
Waverly loves reading. She will "read" to Mommy, in her best baby language. She loves to turn the pages, sometimes before you finish reading the page to her. Mostly, she just sits contentedly and looks at the pictures and listens.

Now all of Waverly's books are within reach on the bottom shelf of her changing table. One of the first things she does in the afternoon when we come home is crawl to the bookshelf. She pulls many off of the shelf, then chooses one and has a seat.
Ready to read!
"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" is one of our new favorite books, along with our favorite song, "On top of Spaghetti"!

Waverly has been playing hard, making up for lost time when she was sick!
It's like Christmas all over again!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Sunday was Daddy's birthday!
Of course, we had a little get together for Daddy's birthday. He worked all day on Saturday on smoking pulled pork for barbecue! We made a homemade rub and sauce (known as a 'mop'
to bast the pork in) and Daddy had made a smoker to cook it in. Daddy also smoked ribs and deer meet. The house smelled spicy all day!
On Sunday, Mommy and Waverly went to the store to stock up on party food. Then we made a chocolate cake and cupcakes for Daddy. Waverly was an excellent helper!

Helping with the cupcakes!

I like to measure!

What's in there???

Waverly was Daddy's girl all day long, too!

She constantly said "Hi dad" and wanted him to hold her. It was very sweet!

We had dinner at Mamaw Jean and Papaw Dean's house. All the Lickliter's were there! We really enjoyed Daddy's barbecue. In fact, I think we are going to put in a special request for more!

Help, Mom! I'm sticky!

Waverly sat with Daddy while we sang "Happy Birthday" and then she tried to help blow out the candles. Daddy let her touch (his piece) the cake. She did not like icing on her little fingers though!

Happy Birthday, Daddy!
We hope you had a great day!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ready to feel better!

Sweet baby girl...
Our wee one is still not feeling her best!
On Friday, another trip to the pediatrician was in order. Waverly had been pulling on one of her ears and was still not breathing clearly. Mommy took her to see Dr. Spath.
Waverly weighed in at 23 pounds, 6 ounces. Even sick, she is still maintaining a healthy weight! She was a very good girl at the doctor's office. She played with Winnie the Pooh while the nurse took her temperature. We were happy to know that she didn't have a fever!

Dr. Spath came in and looked at Waverly's eyes, ears and nose. She did have a yucky ear infection in her left ear. 10 months old and this is her first ear infection! Dr. Spath ran a test to see if Waverly had the RSV virus, and luckily, she did not! After listening to Waverly breathe, Dr. Spath said that Waverly had bronchalitis, which is similar to bronchitis, but this effects the smaller airways. We gave Waverly a breathing treatment while she was in the doctor's office.

Not so sure about this thing!

Waverly did cry for a few minutes, but then settled right down and I could tell that the medicine was making her feel better. After a few minutes, she could breathe so much better. Dr. Spath returned and had another listen. Waverly felt much better after that. She has to keep having breathing treatments for a few days, but she must know it makes her feel better because she sits quietly and plays with the mask now.

Beware - Hyper Kiddo Alert

The breathing treatments do make Waverly hyper though! For such a laid back baby, she is certainly bouncing off the walls! She is feeling so much better now! We have another trip back to the pediatrician next Monday, just to check her ears and make sure she is feeling better.

Waverly is very excited because Mamaw Jean and Papaw Dean come home from a week long vacation tonight! Now that she is feeling better, she will be ready to visit and play!