Then yesterday, I had another doctor appointment. Waverly went with me and was a very good girl, relaxing in her stroller like a big kid. After the doctor, we went shopping for Waverly's friend Roxy, whose first birthday is coming up this weekend.
I want that one, Mommy!
Of course, she is all girl and loves shopping! She chose some new outfits for herself, but I think the underlying appeal to her were the price tags!
Playing with Tigger!
On Friday, it was Waverly's turn to visit the doctor. We saw Dr. Chase and he once again pronounced our baby just perfect. She weighed in at 19 pounds, 12 ounces! She is 25 5/8 inches long and her 'halo' measured in at average. Waverly was very interested in the crinkly paper on the table. She wanted to play, not visit with the doctor and nurses.
Waverly is ready for more baby food! Dr. Chase gave the all-okay for her to begin having 3 'meals' a day, with baby rice cereal, oatmeal and jar foods. Waverly can have green and yellow veggies, but Dr. Chase said that we shouldn't can our own baby food nor give her any canned food until she's 2 years old. There is something through the canning process that can cause problems with infants and toddlers. But, Waverly can have some fresh veggies, like squash and sweet potatoes.
There were more shots this time. For her 6 month shots, she got another DTaP, Hib, Rotavirus and even a couple of others! There were only 3 boo-boo sticks and then one that she had to drink.
The aftermath of immunizations were tougher this time. Poor Waverly ran a fever and her little legs swelled up again. Mommy gave her Tylenol and a warm bath, and then I kept warm and cool compresses to help with the swelling. Never fear, Waverly is a happy girl, ready to play, even when she isn't feeling her best.
The aftermath of immunizations were tougher this time. Poor Waverly ran a fever and her little legs swelled up again. Mommy gave her Tylenol and a warm bath, and then I kept warm and cool compresses to help with the swelling. Never fear, Waverly is a happy girl, ready to play, even when she isn't feeling her best.
Sleepy girl... Feel better!
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