At 7 months, Waverly is reaching new milestones and loving every minute of it. She has her first tooth all the way in, can sit up by herself well and can army crawl all over the place! She will get up on her knees and rock back and forth, so it wont be long before she takes off and realizes that she can get around faster that way. Over this past weekend, Waverly pulled herself up to a standing position. She surprised Mommy and Daddy, and even herself!
Each night, Waverly gets to drink some water from a big girl cup! She thinks this is grand, giving me the 1,000 watt smile when she sees me with her cup. She has also tried a little bit of apple juice from her sippy cup. At first, she was surprised and wasn't sure if she liked it. Then she took a second sip and loved it!
Waverly needed a pair of shoes so that she can start going outside for a little bit each day while at daycare. So, off shopping we went! She now has two pairs of soft-soled shoes to keep those little tootsies warm when playing in her walker outside.
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