On Sunday, Waverly spit-up quite a bit of milk and jar food. She was her usual happy and delightful self, so we didn't think much about it. On Monday, Waverly had a hard time at day care. She ate her breakfast and lunch, but her tummy just couldn't handle it. She also refused to take her bottles! 
So, Ms. Kirstie called Mommy. We went to see Dr. Blair in the afternoon. Waverly was still just the happiest little thing! She smiled at the nurse, but wasn't too thrilled about having her temperature taken under her arm. Then it was off to the scales! Waverly weighed in at 22 lbs. 1 ounce. Our little chunky monkey!
Playing Bashful
While we waited for the doctor, we played with toys and read books. We even sang our new favorite song, "Do your ears hang low?"
Dr. Blair came in to see Waverly and she gave him her mega-watt smile! She was fine while he felt her tummy. But when he tried to see her throat, she screamed and screamed! Dr. Blair told Mommy that Waverly's throat was seriously red. She has a throat infection! Dr. Blair said that we must have a very good baby not to fuss and fight too much the past couple of days, because her poor throat hurt! The sore throat and a little bit of drainage was causing her tummy to be upset. Otherwise, we would have not known that anything was wrong!
After a trip to the pharmacy for some antibiotics (and a get well toy!), we were finally ready to return home and get some rest. Waverly does NOT like her medicine, even though its the yummy bubblegum flavor. I dread forcing her to take it, but I know its best for her so we power through with lots of hugs and kisses.
Waverly was not allowed to return to day care per their policy (until she's been on antibiotics for 36 hours), so she stayed home with Mommy today! We had a lazy day to recuperate from illness, but still squeezed in lunch with Mamaw.
Waverly's favorite past time today - giving some post-its the what-for!
Thankfully, our little one is feeling much better. She goes back to see Dr. Blair on Thursday for her 8 month old well-check and I'm sure he'll try to take a peek at her throat. Back to daycare tomorrow and then its off the rest of the week for some good times with friends and family.
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