Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Oh, the things kids say!

September 26th
W: "...Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you guys sing with me!"

September 28th
Me: "Give me night night kisses."
H: "No way!"
Ugh.  Boys.

September 30th
The road on the way home is closed.  W says, "I know the way.  You just go through the doughnut hole, past the witch's house and through the candy trees!  Then you'll be home."

October 3rd
H: "Sissy!"
W: "G'night brudder."
H: "Good night!"
W: "I love you."
H: "I wub you too."
W: "Sweet dreams."
H: "Sweeeeeet dreams!"

October 12th
W: "Do you know what a penny buys you?  Nuffin'!"

October 14th
W: "I wish I had a store"
Me: "What would you sell at your store?"
W, without hesitation: "Pancakes!"

October 15th, bedtime
Me: "I love you."
H: "wub too"

October 17th
I gave W a box to fill with toys to donate.  She returns quickly with a full box... of H's toys.

October 21st 10:51 PM
W, singing: "When anyone goes to bed, I have to bother them and wake them uuuuuuppppp!"

October 22nd
Me: "What do you want to be for Halloween?"
H: "Scary Ghost!"

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