Saturday, October 5, 2013

Be afraid, be very afraid...

Ah, all hallow's eve is quickly approaching... 
In the spirit of the holiday, we went Halloween shopping!

Daddy found these scary clown masks and the kids had a blast playing in the store. 

I can't believe they weren't scared, 
but they thought it was the silliest thing ever!
We cackled with laughter at the two of them.

We ended up purchasing two masks... 
The kids loved 'honking' their noses
and scaring us so we would give a pretend shriek!

 We thought this was just hilarious!
Each morning, they put on their masks, 
run into our room to scare us. 
We give a pretend scream of surprise,
to which they immediately respond with,
"Its just us!" And we all laugh and laugh!

Mommy's friends are just shocked that we let them have these super scary masks. 
But, hey, I said no to this one!

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