Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pumpkin Pickin'

To the pumpkin patch!

Wavy's friend Abby and her mom invited us to the pumpkin patch with their church.  It was a chilly day, but we had so much fun!

First, there was the petting zoo, where the girls fed handfuls of corn to the goats.  

How tall are you? 

Um, Brudder didn't care how tall he was.  
He had much more interesting things to do... 

Like pick out his pumpkin! 

There was a lot to see and do.  
Wavy even had her face painted!

It was so cute!  She wanted Momma to hold her while the lady painted her cheek. 
Wavy chose a ghost and she chattered the entire time it was being painted on. 

Wavy's favorite part wasn't the pumpkins or the painting though. 
She fell head over heels for the big cats roaming around. 

She spent the majority of the day chasing cats and loving on them! 

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