Monday, October 15, 2012

10 for 10!

10 Months!

Time just keeps passing us by!
Harlan changes more and more every day. 
His little personality is growing as much as he does.  He is curious, full of wonder and excitement.  He is so lovable, full of hugs and sweet little actions that pull on your heartstrings. 

He's also just a bit rotten!
(He can't hold still for long, that's for sure!)

He is chattering away more now, when sis lets him get a word in edgewise.
He likes to listen to songs and play games like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo.  He loves to follow sissy around and play with her toys.  

Harlan is doing great with picking up his own food and learning to feed himself.  He particularly likes carrots! He is getting very good with his little hands, figuring out how to point at everything, grab hold of smaller toys and get a'hold of everything he's not supposed to! 

Little brudder will be walking soon!  We are waiting for those first steps!  He is cruising furniture and standing on his own.  He is getting very brave! 

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