It's been awhile since I had watched the baby sign language movie with Waverly. She watches it most days at Nana Pam's, who told me how much Waverly loves it. So, this past weekend, I popped it in the ol' DVD player instead of the usual Elmo video.
And what a reaction I got!
Waverly could barely contain herself she was so excited!
She immediately took a seat on her couch, only to bounce up and down as the show came on.
She is doing the sign for baby here.
She can sign "Baby Signing Time" along with the introduction song. I was amazed!
No longer able to sit down, Waverly had to jump up and down while doing all her signs!
Here is she is mid-way through signing "cracker".
Poor thing, she had been signing cracker to me for at least a week. Only, I didn't know that meant cracker!

She was really focused on her show.
I was super-impressed at how well she was doing the signs!

A sign of her own invention? Cute, none-the-less!
Waverly can also do signs for the animals fish, cat, horse and birds.
She can sign momma and dada, with encouragement, since those are a little more difficult.
She loves to sign cereal, cracker, baby, eat, more, milk and juice.
I see more signing in our future, that's for sure!
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