Then we had a snack!
We colored and read books. To pass the time, Mommy and Waverly played "Can you say...". This is a typical game we play when riding in the car. It goes something like this:
Mommy: "Can you say... apple?"
Waverly: "App - ppple."
Mommy: "Can you say... Mom?"
Waverly: "Mum!"
Mommy: "Can you say...Dad?"
Waverly: "Dad!"
Mommy: "Can you say... Abby (Nana Pam's puppy)?"
Waverly: "Abb-a" (said proudly, since this is a new word)
Mommy: "Can you say...socks?"
Waverly: "Shocks!"
Mommy: "Can you say...shoes?"
Waverly: "Shoes!"
Mommy: "Can you say... Crissy (our puppy)?"
Waverly: "Hi, Baby!"
We really enjoy this game! Every time I try to sneak a new word in, Waverly catches me!
After our games, it was time to play with toys. Instead of drinking her milk, Waverly shared with her baby.
With all the fun, it wasn't long and we were there! Yay! Let the vacation begin!
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