Easter morning, Waverly and I made biscuits and gravy for Daddy. Then we all ate breakfast together.
We played awhile and then it was time to see what the Easter bunny brought!
The first thing Waverly saw was her tiny baby doll!
This kid is all about those babies! She said, "Hi, baby!" and ran right over to scoop it up for a big 'ol hug! Then she noticed the rest of the goodies!
She liked her books, hair bows, hat and bunny.
Plus some chocolate and some stickers!
Trying on my new hat!
In the early afternoon, Waverly and I went to visit Papaw Allen and Nana Betty.
The Easter bunny visited there, too! Waverly had lots of goodies, including a new chair and some rubberroos (see my blog at http://www.mommytricksandtips.blogspot.com/)! We ate tons of food and played and played. Then it was time to hunt for some Easter eggs!
Tanner did great and filled up his SpongeBob SquarePants Easter basket!
Waverly did well, too!
She was only a little distracted by the chocolate kisses hidden in those eggs!
After tons of fun, Waverly took a much needed nap in the car!

I just love how she snuggled with her baby doll!
After sleeping off some sugar, we went to Papaw Dean and Mamaw Jean's house for Easter dinner. First off, Papaw Dean showed Waverly her Easter basket! The Easter bunny brought her a toy guitar and microphone, a cuddly bunny to hug, and a farm see-n-say!
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