Easter's on its way!
It was great to visit!
We had tons of food! Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans!
For desert, Mamaw made an Easter Bunny cake!
Yum, Yum!
Then it was time to decorate some Easter eggs!
Gary worked hard to color them so we wouldn't be all messy. He did a great job!

Then Mamaw and Waverly decorated the eggs with stickers!
Waverly was very serious about her sticker art.

She loved the Sesame Street stickers and putting Elmo and Cookie Monster on the Easter Eggs!

I've got to say, those are some pretty eggs!
Hunting for Easter Eggs took on new meaning this time around!
From then on, she didn't care much for gathering all the eggs, just trying to pry the nearest one open to see what inside!
She found hair bows (also known as "bow bows") and chocolate candies.
She was delighted to open the pretty pink eggs to find money inside! Mommy put the change in her pocket, but Waverly gathered all the eggs that had $2 bills in them! She unfolded her money and put it right in her basket for safe keeping! (Later, we'll put it in her piggy bank for when she's older.)
Waverly's Easter basket had lots of goodies inside!

There were suckers, an Easter book of animals, and a dancing chick that sings "Here comes Peter Cottontail..." Waverly loves this little dancing chick! She carried it everywhere and would dance along to the music!
(Picture to be uploaded later... Patience please!)
After a ride on the golf cart, Mommy, Waverly and Mamaw did some shopping! Just the girls! It was a blast!
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