Good weather = plenty of outside time! Waverly loves to be outside!

Waverly is such a fan of animals, especially dogs! She loves her Harley! He is our 8 year old Husky Chow mix, the outside doggy who survives it all. He is such a good pup and loves this baby!

He even tolerates her hugs and kisses! Awww!

Papaw took Waverly to the bull dozer and taught her how to climb! She liked pulling at all the gears and making her truck sounds.

She also got to pretend drive the tractor! She thought that was wonderful! It has a big steering wheel she can turn. Papaw taught her how to "vroom, vroom". This earned him all smiles!

Daddy cleared some of the construction off of the back porch, so Waverly got to play some b-ball too! She chased that ball all over the place. We are teaching her to kick the ball, so maybe some soccer in the future?
Waverly LOVED being outside! She was all about it. I guess Mommy should get used to her being dirty - she was covered in grease and dirt!
That's my little southern girl!
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