Waverly's 1st Black Eye...
Poor little Waverly came home the other day with a black eye. She never watches where she is going and fell right over a Magna-doodle on the floor! She only cried a couple minutes, but even after time with the cold boo-boo bunny, she still has a nice shiner!

The bumps and bruises of toddler hood are beginning!
Waverly has started watching where she is going more, though...

You can't hardly see the bruise when she puts her spaghetti face on!

One of Waverly's new words is Cow. She loves playing with her Moo Cow that sings songs to her. In this picture she is giving her cow kisses! We are trying to get her to say "Moo Cow", which she does most of the time. Every once in a while, she'll forget and say "Moo Dog", which of course elicits many giggles! Her other new words are 'socks', 'cheese' and 'quack, quack'.

Mamaw Gail visited this week. Waverly showed her how to do art with stickers!
She loves stickers now and they are everywhere!

Yay! Stickers!

While Mamaw Gail and I cooked dinner, we put Waverly in charge of making desert (with assistance, of course!). She chose brownies... with no influence from Mommy either - promise!
She loves to help out in the kitchen!

Stirring, stirring!
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