Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck

Today Waverly participated in a fire drill while at daycare. Ms. Sandra said that she did very well. Surprisingly, the loud sirens didn't really bother the little ones. The three babies were all loaded into a crib on wheels and out to the safety spot they went. Waverly just loves her little friends, so she was content to be with them. The bouncy ride outside was fun and she was all grins. The little ones stayed quiet and then once the area was clear, had another ride in the crib on the way back in. What an adventure!

For Monday and Tuesday of this week, I had to be away for work and was unable to see Waverly at lunch time every day. She also got to wake up for Daddy and he took care of her in the mornings and early evenings until I came home.

I was so glad to see her each night, though with her bed time, it was short visits. Last night was wonderful because we had a fair amount of quality time together.

Waverly had a bath and played in the water. Then we sang songs and read a couple of books. She played in her exersaucer for awhile before bed, too!

She loves the sea life on her exersaucer. She is really good in it now. She can twist and turn plus her feet reach so she can turn circles. She 'walks' both forward and backward. She's growing up so fast!

Late last night, Waverly was sleeping away but a little restless. She was tossing and turning. Finally, she found Daddy's arm and settled right down. No more flailing about after she found him! It was so sweet I couldn't resist a picture.

I've already found my prince...

his name is Daddy.

Can you see my smile? Hiding it well!

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