After an extended stay at the hospital due to pre-eclampsia after delivery, we sure were ready to come home! I had to stay an extra day because my blood pressure was high and something was off with my lab work, which indicated post-eclampsia. The extra day was good in some ways, because I got to rest well and the extra care from the nurses was nice. Still, after so many days, we were all glad to hear from the doctor on Tuesday morning that we were being discharged.
Waverly's first ride home
Waverly didn't care for the first time being strapped in the car seat, but then she settled down. This little one sleeps like a rock in her car seat. She was content the whole ride from Lexington, including a stop at Walgreen's.
We were glad to be home and get settled in. We are both doing very well, checking blood pressure for mommy and trying to control some diaper rash for baby. Waverly loves when daddy holds her, just cuddling away.
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