On Saturday, February 27, 2010, our daughter Waverly was born at 10:57 AM. She is perfect and absolutely adorable! Here is our big baby story...
On Friday night, February 26, 2010 (our original due date), we came to the hospital, registered and were sent to labor and delivery where we planned to spend the night with some medication to prepare my body to be induced in the morning.
After about an hour, I was ready for some Staydol, a medication that makes you a little loopy, so you don't care about the pain. Apparently, I was a little funny while this was active, chatting and talking in between some short snoozes. Unfortunately, it only lasted about an hour and I didn't care that much for the benefits of this medication.
I put in a couple of hours before asking for my epidural. It was around 7:00 when the anesthesiologist came and gave me the epidural. He gave me a numbing shot first and then did whatever it was that needed to be done to get some relief. Thank goodness for Nurse Mandy, who held my hands because I was nervous. The epidural was actually very easy for me and none of the horror stories I had heard prior to were worth paying mention to. I highly recommend epidurals to other mommy's who are interested - there is no need to be a hero when you already are in the eyes of your baby.
After the epidural, I felt much better! Nurse Mandy did a check and I was dilated 3 cm. It was then time for her to go home and a shift change at the hospital. I was really sad and nervous, because Nurse Mandy was wonderful!!! She was informational and caring, as well as friendly and personable.
Lucky for us, Nurse Crissie was just as much of a blessing. It had been an hour since my last check, so Nurse Crissie did another check for an update. I was dilated an unbelievable 9 cm! That's when my aunt had to make a series of phone calls to let the family know, because Ms. Waverly was well on her way. The nurse called Dr. Bain, who at one point was still at home (nervous!!!), to let her know that we were having a baby pretty soon. Then Nurse Crissie prepared the room and got things ready.
Honestly, I was nervous and scared by this point. For whatever reason, I had mentally prepared to have a c-section, so when it was time to begin pushing, I was in for a rude awakening. Let me share that having a baby is hard work! Nurse Crissie was an amazing asset and I am so thankful to her for her assistance, guidance and dedication as well. She instructed me on how to push and she was there coaching through the whole labor and delivery.
Nurse Crissie & Waverly
Here I must give a moment to my extraordinary husband, who coached, cheered and took care of me through the entire labor. He is simply the best and I am so lucky to have him in my life. Waverly has the best daddy!
Daddy holding his baby for the first time...
My mom and aunt were also present throughout labor. I pushed for about an hour and forty-five minutes before it was time to stop pushing... That's right, I said stop pushing. Ms. Waverly was ready before the doctor was! By this time, what little pain medication was left was not helping me at all. It was the big moment and it was not easy! Nurse Crissy helped support the baby and just in time, Dr. Bain applied a local anesthetic and assisted as Waverly was born.
Her first cries were strong and the 'baby catcher' took her off to be cleaned and weighed while Dr. Bain was taking care of me. It was only a couple minutes before she was returned to be with her mommy and daddy. I was really surprised at her size! She was born 8 pounds 12 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. Chubby cheeks and all, our little princess is just perfect.
Our little family is doing well and enjoying every minute we have together. Once again, thanks to all for love and support.
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