It seems that Waverly moves more at night than during the day time. I think she has her days and nights mixed up. I hope we get that straightened out!
Last night I was all stretched out on the couch and little Waverly was just kicking up a party in there. I laid my hand on the baby bump and I felt her move! Immediately, I got Dean to try. He felt and felt, but every time he would touch my belly, she would stop moving! After a couple of tries, she moved around some more. To our delight, Dean could feel her!
It was so exciting to finally share that with each other. It made me think of that song, Daddy's Hands, so that is now added to our blog site. How sweet! I think Waverly recognized her daddy and gave a big kick of hello out to him! He just smiled!
*This is not a picture of us, just a picture I found. I couldn't resist adding it to today's post.
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