Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday

My aunt and I go shopping on Black Friday every year, for the past 5-6 years at least! Usually, we have a couple of girls with us, but this year we were on our own (we missed you Rachel and Sheila!). We had a great time finding our bargains and chit-chatting away all day.

Well, we began our morning super early - at 4:00 AM! We made it to Wal-Mart by 5:00 and joined the pandemonium within. It was so busy, we had to park at the nail salon across the street to get a parking spot. I made a bee-line for the special items on my list - feather pillows! I did miss out on the Pyrex dish set, but I think besides that we got everything we wanted.

After the big Wal-Mart adventure, we went to Wallgreens, K-Mart and Starbucks. Then, off to Hamburg! We parked at 7:25 AM, both of us proud of our time. Get in, get in line and get out was our motto! We hit up Bath and Body Works, Target, Kohl's and Gordmans. After looking around Kohl's for a few minutes, I took a little break. Other than that, I held up reasonably well for being 27 weeks pregnant!

For lunch, we went to my mom's. For the first time in a few years, the family was getting together for Thanksgiving. Mom had cooked, and we just all love mom's food! She even made mini pecan pies! Unfortunately, everyone arrived at different times during the day. So we only got to see mom. We did visit with Gary and meet his kids as well. We missed seeing all the family.

After a few more shopping stops, we headed for home! I was fairly tired and my aunt had another Thanksgiving dinner to get to. After a nap for me, I put away my purchases, wrapped some presents and began Christmas decorating.

This is a teddy bear that we found for Waverly during our Black Friday outings. It's a time out bear! The timer isn't working properly, but Dean thinks he can fix it. I don't think we'll need it though, I don't expect her to be in Time-Out very often!!!

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