Thursday, November 15, 2012

11 Months Old

11 Months Old!

As Harlan nears the 1 year old mark, 
he is growing and growing and growing!
I am ever impressed with all of his new skills and blooming little personality.  
He is super sweet and lovey, funny, and energetic as he is walking and running everywhere!

Harlan can wave bye-bye, clap his hands and give high-fives!
We are starting to work on our baby sign language, which is adorable that Waverly can teach brudder how to do all the signs we know. 

Harlan likes to point at something he sees and insists that you bring him closer for a look at a picture, or turn the tv on and back to Mickey Mouse! 
He will go to his high chair when he is hungry and he loves to sneak into sissy's room and play.  He is super proud of himself for his new climbing and jumping skills, and is getting really good at riding around on the lawn mower and rocking horse toys we have.  

Big sis Wavy helped with our picture project this month... 
Harlan is "ll months oldo!"

It's almost birthday time!
Momma is busy planning a big birthday celebration for next month. 
Almost one... my goodness, the time does fly! 

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