Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby Bean

Today was a big day for our little family. 
Mommy went to the doctor's office for the 28 week check-up.  This time, Mommy saw Dr. Looff.  We were happy to hear that everything is going well with Baby Bean!

After meeting the doctor, Mommy listened to Baby Bean's heartbeat through the stethoscope.  His little whoosh-whoosh noises get stronger each visit!  We are now to the point where doctor's visits will be scheduled for every two weeks instead of once a month.  Moving right along!

After the doctor's appointment, Daddy met Mommy and we went to have a 3D ultrasound.  Baby Bean wasn't at all interested, though!  He was busy napping, and laying face down to do so! 

We didn't get to see a picture of Baby Bean's face, but we did get to see the top of his head!
The ultrasound technician took measurements so we could know how big baby is right now...

Top of Baby's Head

Baby's femur (thigh bone)
 Baby Bean weighs in about 3 lbs. 7 ounces!!!  Based on his measurements, that places us at 30 weeks and 4 days along, with a due date of December 9th.  This was the first due date we were given, based on monthly math, but the date was later changed to December 26th based on baby's first ultrasound.  We will be sure to let Dr. Looff know the size of our Baby Bean and then see what we can do about deciding on a due date!

Daddy was able to hear Baby Bean's heart beat today, too!  Baby's heart rate was 136 beats per minute. 

Since Baby Bean was in the mood for hide and seek today, we get to return in two weeks for another chance at the ultrasound.  Even though we wanted to see our little man's face today, its  a good thing that we were able to hear his heart beat and find reassurance that he is doing well.  Plus, we get to take another peek in just two weeks!  How exciting!

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