Seeing 20 / 20?
We have made it to the 20 weeks mark! That means approximately 20 weeks to go!
Baby Bean is now the size of a cantaloupe!
But baby can't-elope yet! Baby still has a lot of growing left to do!
Baby weighs in at approximately 10.6 ounces and measures 6.5 inches. We should be able to see baby's exact measurements tomorrow! We have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. If baby isn't camera shy, we should be able to take a peek and know the gender as well!
Mom is awesome at 20 weeks!
Making it to 20 weeks actually feels pretty darn good! Mom is tired, of course, but does have more energy than early on in the pregnancy. The ever-growing list of symptoms now includes mild and occasional heart burn and late-night leg cramps. Nothing to worry about, of course!
We are all very excited to go to the doctor tomorrow. First up, we'll go straight to ultrasound! Boy or Girl? Pink or Blue? Hopefully, we will know tomorrow!
Keep us in your thoughts tomorrow! Fingers crossed for a healthy baby!
We are participating in the Monday Mingle once again over at Tough Cookie Mommy. Welcome to any visitors from the mingle!

We are participating in the Monday Mingle once again over at Tough Cookie Mommy. Welcome to any visitors from the mingle!
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