Yesterday, Waverly had a doctor's appointment for her 15 month's old well check.
Mommy had a great surprise when she picked up Waverly! Nana Pam had Waverly all dolled up in a home made dress! It was just the sweetest thing! The home made hair bows were cute as can be on the wee one. She's so adorable!
(Thanks, Nana Pam, for the beautiful dress! Its a favorite outfit already!)
The nurse measured Waverly to see how tall she was, but Waverly just wanted to play with the stethoscope! Waverly measured at 30 5/8 inches tall, which is just above average. We measured her head circumference, which was very close to the same as her 12 month check. She is just below the 75th percentile now.
So, how much does our little butter bean weigh? We took a walk down the hall at the Pediatrician's office and sat in the "boat" to find out. Even Mommy's guess was off a couple of pounds! Waverly weighed in at 27 lbs. 11 oz., keeping her 95th percentile ranking.
Growing up!
Yep, Waverly sure is on a fast course when it comes to growing! Over the past three months, she's gained a couple pounds and grew a couple inches.
Dr. Spath was very impressed with all the words that Waverly knew, which is approximately 40 words now, by Mommy's rough count. She even showed Dr. Spath a few of her favorite signs, including the sign for cracker, dog and horse!
Dr. Spath gave Waverly a perfect report! Then it was time for those nasty boo boo sticks. Waverly needed two immunizations, a DTaP and a MMR. Those were quick bee stings and then we were "all done".
She fell asleep as soon as she was buckled in her car seat for that long awaited nap! My pretty princess was all tuckered out!

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