Eating with Waverly has been fun lately! She likes to eat table food, and it tastes even better if it came from Mommy's plate! Our little family enjoyed Sunday breakfast at Frishes this past weekend. Waverly colored a nice picture for Daddy...

The good news is we only had to tell her once or twice not to eat the crayon!

Waverly's newest favorite food is spaghetti! I knew she'd love carbs - just like her Mommy!
Waverly is doing great with baby sign language. She is telling us that she wants "more" in the picture above. Its really helpful to know what she wants by using the signs! She knows the signs for more, wash, drink and milk. We are working on the signs for love and eat now.
She didn't mind getting messy...

but then she wanted her hands washed off!

Yummy, yummy, yummy
I got love in my tummy!

My sketti face...

I'm full!
Waverly had a great visit at Mamaw and Papaw's house!

As she said her bye-bye's, Papaw gave her a nice treat for her piggy bank!

She was quick to ask for "more". What a quick learner!
More signs to come!
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