8 Months Old...
My darling Waverly is 8 months old today. She is such a pip!
She has a wonderful personality, all bubbles and sparkles.
Everything makes her grin. She will giggle and laugh just to make you smile.

This morning, Waverly was in a great mood! She was wearing a new little outfit, complete with tutu, to celebrate being 8 months old! She has learned so much, even in the last month. She can sit up on her own now. If she is playing on her tummy, the next thing you know, she will be sitting up with a toy in her lap. She seems quite proud of herself!
Waverly is still doing her own interpretation of crawling! We call it the "Waverly Crawl", which is a version of creeping along on her tummy, flopping one leg up in the air and kicking along to scoot across the floor. I think the official term is 'combat crawl'. It sure is cute though! She gets to where she wants to go - and FAST! She will get up on those knees and rock, but hasn't gone ahead to crawl on them. She will also get those feet up under her and make an arch. I think in the next few days, she will take off walking on her hands and feet like a puppy!
Yesterday, Mamaw Gail came to visit. Since she lives farther away, she brought some trick or treat gifts early! Waverly has severl new books, a bucket full of baby food and a sweet little Halloween card!
Waverly loves reading books. She follows along just like a big kid! She knows to turn the pages, though sometimes she wants to go backwards and read that page again! Her favorite this week is "Pepper Picks a Pumpkin", in honor of upcoming Halloween.

My Little Mover & Shaker
Waverly is fast! She zooms around in that walker like she is in a big hurry to get wherre she's going! And once there, she will play like there is no tomorrow. Then she's off again!
Waverly can pull herself up to a standing position! She likes to stand up to take a look around. She has great focus, and I do say she is a determined little child. Once she gets something in her sights, she sticks with it until it in her hands!
We have great baby conversations now, too. Waverly rattles off a stream of her words, with "da-da" a favorite choice. Then she pauses and waits for you to say something. Once you do, she's babbling away again. She makes sure to take turns chatting, and listens to what you say before she responds. It is adorable!
Last night, Waverly had a good conversation with Mamaw Jean!
They were playing with some toys and chattering away. Then after some sleepy sighs, it was off to bed. Waverly had the best day!
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