We had a great weekend with Waverly. Here are some photos of her laughing and smiling!

With her daddy! I love these ruffled pants!

Something sure was funny! Maybe Axel?

Watching TV with Daddy... the history channel no doubt!

Laughing at Papaw! He can always make me smile.

Talking to Mamaw!

My first go in the exer-saucer!
She's still too little, but we couldn't resist trying it out!
She really enjoyed all the colors and toys around her.
I think in another month or so, she will love her exer-saucer!

Mamaw had some new toys for Waverly. She really likes the rattles and noisy toys. We think she was a little frustrated with the wrist rattles! She wanted to grab hold of it so bad! She is a very determined little girl, so it wont be long before those hands go right where she wants them to.
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