Monday, December 28, 2009
What a bug!
I called the doctor today because I am still fairly weak, plus sore and tired. I managed to eat a cup of soup yesterday but otherwise I haven't had any food since Saturday afternoon. My doctor and nurse are, of course, on vacation due to the holidays. The nurse on call said that it was always a good thing to call and if I felt I needed to, I could go to the labor hall and be checked out. She asked if I stayed hydrated, and boy, I sure did try! The consensus was that baby and I are okay, but can always go for a check up if needed. I think that I am still weak so it should be expected that Waverly's movements be weaker too. We'll see how today goes and maybe after some rest and food, we'll feel better. Lucky for me, my aunt is making homemade soup today!
To all who have had this virus, my deepest sympathies to you!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day
Me and Mamaw
Me and Papaw - Being funny
Me and Matt
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
After a little rest and some play time with Axel, it was time to load up and go to the in-laws. What a time! Round two for us of snack food and yummy desserts (not to worry, my sugar is testing fine despite all of the Holiday treats!). Then, Santa came! Everyone took turns sitting on Santa's lap and then he handed out the presents!
Oops, I saw Momma kissing Santa Clause!
Can't wait for next year for Waverly's first Christmas!
That's all for today, but we'll be out traveling again tomorrow on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to all our friends and family!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Crissy is certainly not a timid pup! She made friends with Axel right away. We were a little worried that Axel might think she was a toy, but she let him know with a tiny growl to back off. They got over it real quick and began playing. Axel even shared his huge doggie bed with her, which she played on with no hesitation. When we introduced her to the cats, Axel was protective of her, letting the kitty know that was his puppy!
We hope to do some basic obedience with Crissy before Waverly comes. This way she will already know the commands for sit, stay and go to bed for when we are busy with the baby. Crissy is already giving us lots of practice for Waverly - she cried all night because she wanted to be with us instead of in the bathroom. But, we toughed it out as a safety precaution until our household settles back down and everyone knows everyone really well. Plus, a crash course in potty training. :)
She is a wonderful addition to our family. I'm sure she'll make the last 10 weeks before Waverly arrives just fly by.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Another Check-Up
We listened to Waverly's heart beat again. It is such a strange sound, to hear that whoosh, whoosh. Her heart rate was 143. The nurse said everything was well and the doctor said that the measurements of my baby belly were good, too.
So, a great report from the doctor's office today. Yea! My next appointment is January 14th.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Remember When...
As some of you know, Dean and I tried for almost a year before we finally got pregnant. Each month, I would invest in ovulation kits and pregnancy tests. I kept a calendar for counting days. Each month I would take the test with high hopes, only to be let down again. I would call Dean and say, "I took a test this morning. We're still not pregnant."
Then, on 6/23/2009, I took a test just to empty the box and get it out of the way. I was a little late that month, but had taken a test just a few days earlier with negative results. So, I just did the test and then started getting ready for work like always. I came back to the test after a little while, not expecting anything, just going back to throw it away. I glanced down and IT WAS POSITIVE! I'm sure I just stood there stunned for several minutes! Then it hit me that I was home alone and there was no one there to hug!
When I finally gained rational thought again, I ran to get the phone and call Dean. I called and said, "I took a test this morning. I think we're pregnant." I waited for his response, only to get an "okay". Then, he said that he would call me back later. I wasn't sure he had heard me correctly. He told me later that it took a little while for the good news to settle in. :) I think he was momentarily shocked too!
Of course, I had a few other people to tell. I called my mom and my aunt Phyllis. They tell me that I was actually whispering on the phone! I guess I was still excited. Well, I didn't get very much work done that day. I was busy making a doctor's appointment and buying another pregnancy test, just to be sure. It was positive too! I went to the doctor the next day and it was confirmed - we are going to have a baby!
The best was telling my mother-in-law. We had already had plans to meet for lunch so I just made a quick stop for a tiny purchase before hand. I waited and waited for her to get to Quedoba and then we waited some more in line to get our food. Finally, we took our seats and I handed her a pacifier. I asked if she would put it up for us, because we were going to need it in about 9 months. Her face was priceless! Her mouth dropped and she was just stunned. After asking "What?" several times, it hit her and she just smiled and announced to the whole of Quedoba restaurant that she was going to have a grandbaby. It was a good moment.
And now here we are, only about 10 weeks away from meeting our little girl. Though I have enjoyed being pregnant, I just can't wait until she gets here!
Monday, December 14, 2009
11 weeks to go!
So, how is little Waverly doing? According to the research, her brain is now developed enough to control her breathing and body temperature. She can also cough, and her sucking ability has been perfected. Prepare the pacifier!
She is starting to look less skeletal as she packs on the pounds. She's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat that she'll be born with (too bad white fat isn't energizing for us adults!). This week, Waverly should be about 15 inches long, which is about the length of a loaf of bread. She should weigh in at about 3 pounds - as much as a Macbook Air laptop!
Waverly has a lot of energy. She practices her kicks, punches and elbows mostly at night, but anytime I lay down for rest, she gets going. Our little energizer bunny is making the most of her rest time by really moving around when she's awake.
Well, mom is doing well too! I am having some trouble keeping a good sleep schedule right now. Usually, the baby wakes me up in the middle of the night for a potty break and a snack. For the past week or so, she's been waking me up about 5:00 AM! That's all fine and dandy, but the 2:00 AM break allowed me to go back to sleep for awhile. Now I just have to lay there until time to actually wake up.
My blood sugar appears to be good. I test it every morning on an empty stomach and then again 2 hours after each meal. As far as the meal plan goes, I just try to eat some fruit and veggies every day. I try not to overeat and get in a couple of snacks in between meals. Over the past week, my sugar levels have been within the normal range.
Otherwise, all is well. We just keep growing bigger and bigger. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for this coming Friday, so we'll see how much weight gain since the last appointment. More then!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Almost Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Peek-A-Boo, I see you!

This last one is a picture of her heartbeat. Her heart rate was 144 yesterday, which is all normal and good.
This was a really great experience. I can't wait to buy a photo album and add all of our new pictures.
Sweet Stuff
Gestational diabetes is when your body does not use the food you have eaten correctly. This happens during pregnancy due to hormones. Gestational diabetes affects 4-7% of pregnant women, but 10-12% of pregnant women in Kentucky. Though it will go away after the pregnancy, it is not something to mess around with right now.
The dietitian gave me a sample meal plan that limits carbs and sugar. I am supposed to have 3 meals and three snacks a day. I have to test my sugar each morning before eating and then 2 hours after each meal. The idea range is 70 mg / dl to 120 mg/dl.
So far today, my sugar has been within these limits, so all is well. I'll just keep monitoring it and recording the levels and then show my doctor on the next appointment. If everything continues going well, I will not have to check my sugar levels as often. Keep your fingers crossed!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The 3D ultrasound was scheduled for this coming Friday, but the ultrasound nurse, Paula, called this morning and needed to reschedule. So, we have rescheduled the appointment for Monday, Dec. 7th at 4:00 in the afternoon.
As it turns out, that works out really good for me. I have another appointment at the hospital that day at 1:00 to meet with the dietitian, Daniel. It's a class where he will teach us mom's-to-be how to check our blood sugar and about a healthy diet. This is because my doctor and nurse think I may have gestational diabetes, so I'll have to watch my sugar intake and check it out several times a day.
Hopefully, all this rescheduling isn't too much of an inconvenience for the people coming with me to the ultrasound. I am really excited to take a peek at Waverly and see how she is doing.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Comfort Measures
This class is all about methods of relaxation. It was taught by a nurse from the hospital, who is also expecting! The first thing we did were introductions. There were about 10-12 couples of parents-to-be there and most of them were having girls! Then we divided up into groups of moms and support people. We made lists of things that the support person should do and shouldn't do. This was really a lot of fun. We listed things like, Don't pass out, and Do be encouraging. My poor aunt was over in the support people group, with only one other girl! She said the guys came up with Don't check out the nurses! I think that's a good one!
After the groups all came back together, we learned some breathing techniques and about the stages of labor. It seemed to me that the breathing is there for two reasons, to remind you to breathe and to distract you from pain. We also went over several different positions that can help relieve pressure and decrease pain. The instructor even suggested mom and dad slow dancing! Though it seems odd, it would encourage gravity to help with contractions and relax pelvic and back pain.
The nurse also offered some information about medications. (Good news for Sam!) It was good to learn about the effects of the IV medication and also about epidurals. I didn't know that these medications can also help decrease blood pressure as well as provide pain relief.
All in all, it was a good class. My aunt and I had a lot of fun and it was nice to hang out for awhile. I plan to take all of the applicable classes the hospital offers, including Great Expectations (an overview of labor and delivery at Central Baptist), Little fingers, Little toes (the basics of infant care), and the Art of Breastfeeding (um, self-explanatory).